View Full Version : Scared for the worst

13-05-17, 23:05
25 years old started smoking at 19 years a packet a day quit a mont ago on april 10 (six years)
It all started with a very small lump below the ear 2 cm below the ear max went to an ENT surgeon had a thorough physical examination and the doctor dismissed iy saying its normal the lump doesnt move is fixed and he suggested ulttasound which revealed an ontraparotid lymph node 11*8 mm and another submandibular 21*11 but everything else fine the doctor said they are normal and reactive to an infection fast forwad five months a new lump above the adams apple max 1.5 cm in size and an extremely small to its right and one on the cheeek.
Went back to the same doc he acknowledged the lumps and again dismissed them saying its okay and he explained it to me saying its not cancer for sure bt i insisted on a test . The blood tests came back normal. I have no symptoms like nightvsweat fatigue or anyof it i am tired but my strebgth has been improving affter quitting smoking so fatigue is also not there no shotlrtness of breath
None of the lymph nodes have increased in size are soft and rubbery and move except the on below the ear(intraparotid) no more increase in number of lymph nodes
Went to a diff doc he said its nothing
The third doc a dentist said its not a dental issue
What is it google has alreadey diagnosed me with lymphoma or any form of cancer can some body provide sme information
Sonography date 26/09/2016
Blood test: mid april 2017
No pain or any symptom at all

13-05-17, 23:19
What is it google has alreadey diagnosed me with lymphoma or any form of cancer can some body provide sme information
Sonography date 26/09/2016
Blood test: mid april 2017
No pain or any symptom at all

What is it?: Normal nodes that are probably shotty now due to poking and prodding.

Why does Google tell you different?: Google is an internet search engine as opposed to a real life medical professional.

Positive thoughts

14-05-17, 06:26
Thank you fishmanpa for your insight