View Full Version : Burning when peeing? Anyone?

14-05-17, 00:37
Hey guys.

So for the last 2 weeks (on and off) its been burning when I pee.

I have no redness, no swelling or anything. Before I started getting the pain when peeing start I had some itching/tickling down below (im male)

I went to the doc, did a urine test. No infection. Or STI. No sign of anything in my water. Told me to use some clotrimazole cream. I have and the itching has almost completely gone. Most days I get none or very little.

But It still burns when i pee. When symptoms started, I had no pain at this point. But i was squeezing the end of my penis to sort of "stratch the itch" and then a few days after it started to sting a bit. Do you think i've damaged the urethra? And it's swollen or something inside? It looks normal... but only as far as i can see.

It doesn't sting all the time. I was out drinking last night and pee'd a lot - didn't hurt one bit. It seems when my urine is not concentrated it hurts less or not at all...

Any ideas? Sorry if any TMI. Tough to describe without saying certain things haha.

14-05-17, 02:29
could be non specific urethritis NSU

cures with antibiotics

14-05-17, 02:34
I'm surprised there was no infection.
Based on no infection, It sounds like maybe you have a cut or abrasion where you are trying to scratch. Would it be possible to NOT TOUCH or rib the area -while adding in extra water- for about 4-5 days and see if it resolves?

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14-05-17, 03:46
Thanks for getting back guys.

I am a bit confused. Urine test brought nothing up. Which tests for UTIs, STIs, anything in your water basically. All clear.

Itching pretty much ceased. I'm leaning towards a bacterial infection somehow. I'll keep up with the cream (i have stopped for the last few days)

Just confuses me as there is no redness or swelling and it's sometimes intermittent.

I'll refrain from touching the area unless washing. Perhaps this is irritation rather than infection? I don't know.

14-05-17, 05:34
I am leaning towards irritation...I've had similar issues with picking/itching sensitive areas. The diluted urine making it less painful also points to This theory, as the irritants in the urine are diluted. Keep us posted!

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Catherine S
14-05-17, 08:23
It's always best to go back to your doctor with any physical symptoms such as this, we can't tell you what this is for sure and it wouldn't be right as anxiety sufferers to do that, we can only share our own experiences, but your doctor can make a diagnosis.

Best wishes

15-05-17, 17:32
So not much has changed.

The only thing that confuses me is that this ONLY hurts when my urine is concentrated/yellow.... Its completely 100% painless when my urine is pale/diluted.

Like i said, no infection was present in the urine test. And surely an infection wouldn't only hurt when it was concentrated. It would always hurt?


15-05-17, 23:36
So not much has changed.

The only thing that confuses me is that this ONLY hurts when my urine is concentrated/yellow.... Its completely 100% painless when my urine is pale/diluted.

Like i said, no infection was present in the urine test. And surely an infection wouldn't only hurt when it was concentrated. It would always hurt?


I'd personally advise you to go back to the doctors to do another urine test because sometimes people can do urine tests and infection doesn't show up because the infection is so small. So maybe it's worth going back to check if anything is coming up now. Also if it's just dip tested with the stick ask for it to be sent off to the lab because they can analyse it better which is more accurate than the dip test. If it comes back as negative again it's worth discussing what this may be. Because it's not nice putting up with stinging when going to the toilet.. it's quite frankly god awful so I really do hope you get this sorted :)

Also, I've suffered with urine infections badly in the past so I know all the ins and outs of these urine tests and then being sent off etc so I hope my information was useful and hopefully you're problem will be sorted out soon! :)

16-05-17, 19:54
Thanks for your reply! I will see how this tablet helps (Fluzonazole) over the next few days.

Today there has been much less stinging. So i guess, at least it's not getting worse!

Catherine S
16-05-17, 21:48
So you completely ignored my reply but acknowledged the same reply posted later from 'little miss worry', typical male...after all, what's my red apple compared to her photo eh? :shades: only joking :D

But the same message still stands. ..we cannot diagnose, which is more or less what you are asking us to do. See your doctor again if you are worried about this.

Best wishes

19-05-17, 23:39
So you completely ignored my reply but acknowledged the same reply posted later from 'little miss worry', typical male...after all, what's my red apple compared to her photo eh? :shades: only joking :D

But the same message still stands. ..we cannot diagnose, which is more or less what you are asking us to do. See your doctor again if you are worried about this.

Best wishes

Haha no please don't see it that way. It was more, reading both of them together and just replying. Generally speaking.

Issue still remains. When urine is concentrated it stings a little. When it's not, it doesn't or hardly at all. At least it's got no worse. No discharge or swelling or redness. I am confused.

Going to the doctors again tomorrow. Will try keep updated. As an anxiety sufferer also sometimes I go in hermit mode and don't come on the internet.

Im just scared :/

21-05-17, 03:15
So been to the docs. Had another urine test.

No sign of infection.

Could this just be thrush then? Considering I've had TWO negative urine tests in less than 2 weeks. I asked what they show and they say anything that indicates and infection or any proteins or sugars. They would then go for further testing if they showed up.

I'm perplexed. I guess I'm happy in a way I don't have an infection but, I'd like answers!

I'm leaning towards a yeast infection now. As they don't show up in urine tests. Any thoughts?

21-05-17, 21:57
I still think you're irritating the area yourself. Have you monitored your poking and prodding? I say this bc I do it all the time and cause symptoms I decide are due to an underlying illness.

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21-05-17, 23:17
I've been stopping that as the itching has worn off a lot compared to the start. Although I've had some today/yesterday and have been "scratching" a bit.

It still doesn't burn when my urine is diluted/clear. And with 2 urine tests with 2 different doctors showing no infection... that would clear me of any UTI or STI etc? Right?

22-05-17, 19:42
Yes, I would definitely say you're cleared of infection.

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22-05-17, 20:10
It sounds like irritation rather than infection since the urine tests were clear. Sometimes I have burning if I don't drink enough water, and sometimes first thing in the morning after getting up. It's because it's concentrated like you said. Some folks just need to drink more. Also, sometimes spicy foods or irritating foods/beverages can cause this, according to my doctor.

22-05-17, 22:55
Thanks guys. I'm gonna have to investigate a bit further I think. It's still hanging around. I can't see it being an infection after 2 doctors and 2 negative urine tests.

But it's definitely still there! Hmmm.. I'll keep anyone updated if I find out more.

23-05-17, 14:33
Ok so it hurt this morning. And itched afterwards. My urine was pretty concentrated though. Im going to the sexual health clinic tomorrow - wish me luck! Im terrified. Even with 2 negative tests.

Could this be herpes? I don't have any sores.

Also, 2 weeks ago I started taking cystopurin for 2 days (Cystopurin is a 48 hour treatment for the symptoms of cystitis.) - I kept urinating a lot, very diluted, and I had no pain for 2 days.


25-05-17, 19:08
Ok as promised, an update. (may be redundant but I know from experience how frustrating it can be to see a post just end without an answer when you're experiencing similar issues)

I went to the sexual health clinic. Had another urine test and a swab. I don't know what it's like for a woman but for a man, that swab HURTS. Only for a few seconds but jeez. Haha.

Anyway, they found "some pus cells" which indicates an infection. They haven't told me what infection yet. They said they'd text me the results. I haven't received any results and it's been over 24 hours.

They gave me 100mg of doxycycline which covers mos infections from NSU, UTI, STIs... so whatever it turns out to be I guess it's covered. Started taking them yesterday so it's only been 24 hours and symptoms persist. I'm aware it can take a while to start noticing a change.

So there you go! I'll keep you all updated.

28-05-17, 01:36
Update. Slight improvement. Itching completely ceased.

Still some burning when urinating.

It's been 4 days of a 7 day course. Should the burning have gone now do you think?

03-06-17, 13:31
Update! Burning is much improved today. Morning urination was heavily concentrated and burning was almost gone. Great news!

Doxyciline does help infections after all!

03-06-17, 13:39
Excellent news for you Dayvid keep drinking lots of water to flush it through your system as well, and with all antibiotics complete the course even though you feel better :) Cheers

11-06-17, 02:13

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