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View Full Version : Living life with health anxiety you're not alone

14-05-17, 01:25
I'm a 25 year old male who is in good health, well at least physically, but mentally not so much. I've spent the past 7 years or so worrying myself sick, and not just one particular thing, I've worried about my heart, brain, liver, stomach, etc. As a hypochondriac i have dealt with many fears, such as, checking my nails, feeling lymog nodes, paying attention to each heart beat, shining a light in the toilet to check my stool, wondering what that cramp or ache can mean, is this head ache a brain tumor? Why do i feel tired today? Is my blood pressure normal and then i check it multiple times a day, i check my veins and wonder why they are visible and blue, feeling my testicles in the shower for lumps, i actually had a retracted testicle during sex one time and freaked me out but thats another story.

You see, once youre controlled by anxiety, youre only limited by your imagination, you will diagnose yourself with 5 different diseases within a month. As of right now i am constantly feeling my collarbone wondering why the muscle under the left is slightly bigger than the right, and i wouldnt even pay attention to this nonsense if i was in the right state of mind.

I see people on here all the time who are so thankful to know they are not alone, i can assure you youre not alone, your worries may be different than mine but we are fighting the same fight.

Its a nightmare to wake up everyday and the first thing on your mind is diseases and what ifs, constantly worrying, feeling that deep fear in your heart, being on the edge of a panic attack from every little lump, ache, cough, and so on.

I wish all of you good luck, and know that youre not alone on this fight, please help yourselves see a therapist if needed, i am going to begin seeing one soon.

Sorry for any mistakes in the texts i am on my phone and it is very difficult on this phone to text.

14-05-17, 01:47
So you won't start anymore threads with obscure references to your lymph nodes?

---------- Post added at 10:17 ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 ----------

like this one

14-05-17, 02:40
Anxiety sucks I have went back and forth on tons of stuff but now I am back where I started my heart fears. I was at the ER yesterday and did a stress test abd I'm still worried I have Conary artery diease even after they said I passed it and it looked great.

10 mins on that thing had me wore out. I don't think I have ever had my heart rate up that high ever. If so its been years.

14-05-17, 03:03
You're probavly just out of shape, run more and it'll become easier.

And I didn't say anything about being over my anxiety, I'm simply reaching out to people and letting them know we are not alone because so many people need comfort and we cannot comfort them all.

14-05-17, 05:31
You're probavly just out of shape, run more and it'll become easier.

And I didn't say anything about being over my anxiety, I'm simply reaching out to people and letting them know we are not alone because so many people need comfort and we cannot comfort them all.

I am for sure out of shape. And I agree I feel so alone sometimes even though I been with my gf for 5 years and have family that love me. Just they don't understand and act like I should be able to turn anxiety off like a light switch.

14-05-17, 07:28
Thank you, and your right it's a lonely battle family and friends don't understand and why would they? They don't suffer! I find I'm a laughing stock and the butt of jokes about me being a hypochondriac at work. If they knew the Constant inner battle we face I'm sure people would be more sympathetic x

14-05-17, 16:19
Man this realle hit home for me. I can relate to what you wrote 100%

I feel alone on this battle, family, friends, girlfriend wont understand what it feels like, and I feel like im on the verge of a panic attack 24/7.

I go to bed thinking of what I may have, I wake up thinking of what in my head I have, I cant enjoy social gatherings with friends, simply put, it is horrible!

I even worry about the meaning of dreams as of lately (about loosing teeth more specifically...)

Like you said, I wish I could go back to not caring about normal body sensations, and having the ability to distinguish whats normal from whats not. I wish I could unlearn a lot of things, because even though I try not to google, ive read so many things in the past that when i develop a symptom I automatically can relate it to something ive seen, read or heard at some point...

We must have some incredible inner strength after all to be able to cope with all of this and still be able to live a sonewhat normal life on the outside. I am proud of all of you, and remember:

Always be strong! Look forward to the good days ahead.


14-05-17, 19:24
Like you said, I wish I could go back to not caring about normal body sensations, and having the ability to distinguish whats normal from whats not. I wish I could unlearn a lot of things, because even though I try not to google, ive read so many things in the past that when i develop a symptom I automatically can relate it to something ive seen, read or heard at some point...


I can relate to this paragraph 100%, i wish someone had told me this before i started googling stuff. Life is much easier without knowing these things but you are right it's too late now these things can't be unlearned, they are stored in the subconscious mind.

14-05-17, 19:42
I can relate to this paragraph 100%, i wish someone had told me this before i started googling stuff. Life is much easier without knowing these things but you are right it's too late now these things can't be unlearned, they are stored in the subconscious mind.

I feel the same way. I know too much it even shocks doctors when I go in and am mentioning it. They are like why would you know this at 33 abd you didn't go to school for healthcare.