View Full Version : Really struggling at the moment

14-05-17, 08:23
I'm due to go to Disney Orlando in about 4 weeks which should be a really happy time for me! I'm in stuck in a downward spiral I don't know what to worry about first. I've had a cough for about 4-5 weeks, I've got a fatty piece of skin at back I'd throat which doc said is completely harmless, I'm worried about a smallish breast lump/ maybe just tissue I just don't know. I constantly have the feeling of dread and I can't stop checking. I've not felt my breast in a few days but I've got a constant overwhelming urge to do it, it's taking me all my effort not to. I've seen a few therapists, my health anxiety goes away for a short time and then wham it's back ! This time I have more than one worry does anybody else get worse before a holiday ? My husband goes nuts at me I think he's on the brink himself he doesn't know how to handle me anymore :-(

14-05-17, 19:40
Anxeity is hard. On you and people around you.

15-05-17, 01:50
I'm going through the same thing....for past two months. One symptom after another. I'm still in the thick of it and like you said that constant feeling of dread and the what it's? Such a mind battle. I'm trying CBD oil and seems to be helping so far. So many of us go through this! I hope you began to feel better about things.

15-05-17, 06:22
I've actually heard of cbd oil but didn't think of it for anxiety, you can get it in tablet form to x

15-05-17, 18:12
Sorry your feeling like this. I jusy wanted to let you know your not alone. I am the same inconstant worry about an illness and I read up on it and bam I all of sudden develop the symptoms to what I've been reading on. My husband doesn't no how to handle me sometimes either. And I understand it must be hard on him. I also have months where I am fine and then all of a sudden it's back. And then I question myself is it the anxiety giving me.symtpoms? Or is it the symptoms giving me anxiety? I struggle with those two questions. And yes everytime I go away there is ALWAYS something to worry me before I go and it ruins my whole holiday!! Hope your OK xx