View Full Version : Still Living In Fear?

04-05-07, 15:56
I've not had a panic attack in ages, we're talking at least a year i'd say, yet I still live in fear, the sub-concious is still fearful if you get what I mean, its still expecting a monster to jump out of the cupboard, I get this every day, I believed its called high anxiety.

The cure apparantly is to stop avoiding situations, but I haven't been, I get all with all my normal activities in fear all day every day.

The only time it will lift is when I have a drink of alcohol, (And I don't drink to cure it, just socially now and again)

Anyone know what I mean? Its like I've cured the panic attacks but the subconcious is still expecting them but there long gone.

04-05-07, 20:25

I know the feeling. You are describing my situation and would love to read some replies.

04-05-07, 21:09
Accept that you are well and move on.

Forget about panic - dwelling on it will always remind you that it is there.

Just be glad it has gone and you are a stronger person and you won't get it back.

You have to reassure yourself that you are fine and you will not relapse.

The key is to forget and move on and accept.

04-05-07, 21:38
Here here.

Draw a line under this one Mr Sam - you is the man ok with your lovely new family!:flowers:

Only you can make the decision to say Boo! first - and not let the fear have control.

Fear can do nothing unless you give it permission - so don't give it.

Enjoy your family and keep your eyes looking forward....even though they won't be open all that much with all those sleepless nights!! :shades:


Kate C
05-05-07, 19:21
Hi Sam,

Just want to add to the excellent replies you have got so far. You may or may not have heard of Dr Claire Weekes, but in her fantastic book "Self Help for Your Nerves" she wrote about "the shadow of the shadow" by which she meant that although people like us have got over the worst of their anxiety, there may still be a vague feeling of apprehension. She explains that this is due to simply an emotional habit as a result of months and months of living with true anxiety. Apologies if you know this already.

I, like you, have found it odd that once the worst is over you still feel like something wil happen to shatter the peace. The best thing to do is accept this is the way you feel at this point in time, let these thoughts come and go but go about your normal daily routine and in time you'll have moved on completely. It's all part of the recovery process and a good sign!

Best wishes,

Kate :D

05-05-07, 19:33
i dont mean to sound harsh... and im not saying what you're feeling isnt horrible because i know the worst aspect of my anxiety disorder is the anticipation of something.... but to be honest i'd love to be where you are now... you can still do every day things, i cant.... you've obviously come a long way, try and turn your thoughts around so you can be writing the same story under the 'success stories' section.... what i read seemed like a success story.... YOU HAVENT HAD A PNIC ATTACK IN OVER A YEAR.... WOW.... i personally cant wait to be able to say that.... i hope i dont sound patronizing or that i'm trying to say what you're feeling isnt real but i think maybe it'll just take a bit more time and a bit of positive thinking to realise just how dam far you've come... i hope it goes comletely and that it wont be long before you will be writing your success story...xxx

05-05-07, 20:04
i dont mean to sound harsh... and im not saying what you're feeling isnt horrible because i know the worst aspect of my anxiety disorder is the anticipation of something.... but to be honest i'd love to be where you are now... you can still do every day things, i cant.... you've obviously come a long way, try and turn your thoughts around so you can be writing the same story under the 'success stories' section.... what i read seemed like a success story.... YOU HAVENT HAD A PNIC ATTACK IN OVER A YEAR.... WOW.... i personally cant wait to be able to say that.... i hope i dont sound patronizing or that i'm trying to say what you're feeling isnt real but i think maybe it'll just take a bit more time and a bit of positive thinking to realise just how dam far you've come... i hope it goes comletely and that it wont be long before you will be writing your success story...xxx

I quite agree, I have come along way, but this is such a horrible illness that you never see the positives, you become so negative subconciously you never see the positives in anything even though they are quite obvious