View Full Version : Sodalite??

04-05-07, 16:23
Someone told me about a crystal called sodalite, it apparantly soaks up all the bodies negative energy and is great for depression/anxiety. She swares by it.

Anyone heard or tried it? I'm never to sure about all that hoakus poakus stuff

04-05-07, 16:50
Hi hun,

Sodalite is a great one to start with for panic attacks! :yesyes:

Please see my sticky thread for advice on crystals. :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

05-05-07, 09:29
I use Sodalite when I have a cold or sinus probs as it helps heal your throat chakra to re energise and calm you down Wenjoy x

05-05-07, 10:41
How do you use it?:shades:

05-05-07, 11:38

ive just gone a bought a sodalite crystal bracelet and it says it can ease a fear of flying too - so i will be wearing it with hope and reassurance in 5 weeks time! just having it on will help me feel at comfort at least.

luv darkangel x

07-05-07, 11:46

You can just buy a simple tumblestone of sodalite (a sort of dark blue stone with the odd fleck of white in it) and keep it in your pocket for it to be effective.

Often people play with larger smoother stones in the same way as worry beads - great for ex smokers who don't know what to do with their hands anymore!!

If you ever want anymore info just come and ask on my sticky crystals thread on the Natural remedies forum.

Piglet :flowers:

07-05-07, 16:20
Was at a festival yesterday and i was drawn to the holistic tent - and bought a tumblestone of sodalite too. I keep my stones next to my skin in my bra lol.

07-05-07, 20:49
Lol, Darkangel I used to do just the same - I had a well lumpy bra!! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

07-05-07, 23:04
You girls obviously don't realise the pictures you're painting LOL :shades:

07-05-07, 23:11

Piglet :flowers: