View Full Version : Feel like I'm getting worse instead of better

15-05-17, 09:18
Hi everyone, I started taking 10mg of citalopram 18 days ago. I knew the first 7-10 days would probably be worse. At some points it took me hours just to convince myself to walk to the shop. Last week I started to feel slightly less anxious. I was able to spontaneously decide to go out for a walk etc. I have barely been to work since I started the medication. The past few days I feel back to square one. I hardly want to leave the house, when I do go for a walk I really want to get home, I'm always so tired and although i feel hungry I just don't feel like eating. Ive been worrying the past couple of days that maybe there's something worse wrong with me but I'm hoping I am just overthinking things. I was suppose to go to a bbq on Saturday. My friend came to my house to try convince me and I had a couple of drinks to try and take the edge off but still couldn't face going. I have to pick up my car sometime today from the garage and the thought of going to get it is making me freak out a little. Is all this normal?

16-05-17, 19:23
Citalopram, like other SSRIs, take a long time to take effect for many, even up to a month or more. Perhaps the dosage isn't large enough (I've never taken it, so I am unsure of how the dosages work), so perhaps ask for an increase? Regardless, it's a game of process of elimination. This may not even be the right medication for you.

I do suggest asking for a benzo in the meantime for the beginning stages of the medication, as it can actually INCREASE anxiety and cause other symptoms. For me, Xanax was a life saver. Sadly it made me too tired, so I then found Klonopin; it makes me tired, but not as much and is more gradual in intensity.

Drinking takes away my anxiety as well, but it also ensures that my anxiety is nice and high the next day or two thereafter. Hangovers feel more like I am going to die because it's not just a headache and nausea, it's intense anxiety and feeling very spaced out. Just be wary, especially when mixing with mental health medications. Speak with your doctor and do some research. I drink myself on weekends, but I will be the first to admit that it feels great the night of, but horrendous in the long run.

I don't see that you've mentioned it, but I always suggest exercise to people with anxiety. It is a vital component in my journey against the almighty anxiety. Plus it provides many health benefits. Check out my blog (www.anxietypress.com) for my posts that are more geared towards people with anxiety/depression.

Best of luck! It all seems completely normal.