View Full Version : had enough

15-05-17, 09:37
i feel really low..i mean this has been going on for years and im sick of the lack of help..i feel fobbed off to deal with this discusting anxiety alone and i dont know which way to turn...

i cant eat /sleep/do genral house jobs

it has stopped me taking up a job offer and i cant face anything at all..im just on a downward spiral...it took me 4 weeks to get a gp apointment and they fobbed me of with a 2 min chat and a pescription, this time it was for paroxetine..which i tired and was violently sick/suicidal/shakey and all the rest..i cant take any more..i have tried most medication and it either doesnt work or doesnt agree with me...even diazepam doesnt give me much effect and they will pescribe me about 6-8 tablets every now and then and they cost me £8.xx to get and its just masking the feelings...i have been feeling "s" for days and i just called my gp for an emergency appointment and they told me that its not an emergency. so they cant give me an appointment, i cant face anthing..i put the phone down and bust into tears...ffs..so i have dosed myself up on 4 diazepam to try n mask this..becaus thats what they want me to do,, no help no coucelling...i would pay for it myself but im not working due to anxiety im not on benefits and living off my husbands basic income so we have no spare cash..everythime i see a gp they just cant wait to press beep and print off another pescription and sent me on my way "try this" try that"..somethimes i just need to talk and try to undertsand why im like this..i cant sleep properly..im letting doen my children by not being strong....i really envy these people like richard branson who have no worries and can get support cause money talks...i mean, who should care about little old me..im a nobody..was considering a&e but the place makes me feel sick/busy rooms/chaos..i feel very vunerable..i know deep down i dont want to end my life but those awful feelings are unbearable..i feel like a walking dead there are a handful of triggers that im trying to deal with right now including my son will be needing a serious operation in the future (in the the next year or so) and with my anxiety i can only focus on the worse case scenario and feel like he wont pull through..my neighbours telling me off for feeding the birds..which is my one personal therapy that brings me pleasure...i want to get away

15-05-17, 11:25
Hi nok_tok what a sad story, trouble is some drs are like that you are on a production line and they just want to get you processed and out again with out any thought my advice is change your dr A.S.A.P As your current dr sounds uncaring. As for counselling have you tried www.mind.org.uk (http://www.mind.org.uk) there are usually offices in many major towns/cities and they do offer counselling no dr's referral needed either. Sorry to hear about your son can I ask what the operation is for? Please don't compare your self to Richard Branson even he has his problems etc to deal with you are still a important person in your own right :) And as for your horrible neighbours tell them it's nothing to do with them Nature is a wonderful thing so carry on feeding those birds and can see why you get pleasure from this, you are a good person and there is light at the end of the tunnel don't ever forget this :) Cheers

15-05-17, 12:26
thanks so much for your reply bigboyuk..i just woke from a very deep vivid sleep after taking a few too many diazepam..your right i will contact mind, i know they only have 1 group session a month, i might get some more info from them

thanks x

15-05-17, 12:38
I suffer with anxiety worry bedtime cod I have tried adult coloring watch movies find something to distract you

15-05-17, 13:04
thanks so much for your reply bigboyuk..i just woke from a very deep vivid sleep after taking a few too many diazepam..your right i will contact mind, i know they only have 1 group session a month, i might get some more info from them

thanks x You are welcome :) They used to do one to one counselling weekly, wether that's changed or not I don't know but make some enquires on this and don't up your dose unless your dr says so :) Good luck and let us know how you get on please! Cheers