View Full Version : I really need to talk to someone. MS worries!

15-05-17, 14:38
Hi everyone

Little insight from me. I've suffered now from anxiety which lead to health anxiety for 5 years. I was doing work incredibly well the past 18 months and all of sudden I've relapsed! This is ruining my life now. I worry so bad I don't want to go out I'm constantly checking myself.

I also have 3 children and husband so I get exhausted as well as holding a job down.

Anyway I get body wide little muscle twitches had these for a few years now (maybe longer but I never thought about them??) I really don't no. I also get random aches and sore muscles. Now to top it of I don't no if I've done something to my left arm? Or is it an anxiety symptom? I just never know. GP said it sounds like I've pulled something. It aches in my shoulder and sometimes burns and he top of the arm feels strange and heavy and tight. It's hard to describe. I also odd times get a cold water running feeling in my shoulder and arm. Yet when I find I'm active I don't notice it?? It's when I sit and wake up in the morning. I'm once again testing my strength which seems fine. I have even gone to the extreme of doing pushups (totally extreme I know) now I think I have pulled something as I keep getting a sharp pain.

I always think does my doctor just know I suffer from anxiety so blames this? Or is my anxiety causing the symptoms? Or is my symptoms causing the anxiety?

This is once again spiraling out of control. Why am I so focused on ms? In the past I've worried about alsorts from probably every cancer to hiv and als. I can't accept this. I am back on Meds I'm so tired of this. Please tell me I am not alone?

Lots of love to all you suffers like me

15-05-17, 14:45
Sounds very much like anxiety caused by a physical symptom of a pulled muscle or trapped nerve.

It's when I sit and wake up in the morning.

Very common experience in the morning when your muscles have been completely relaxed for so long.

15-05-17, 14:48
Thank you for your reply. This whole cycle is draining. I drive my family mad. Even though they are very supportive. I just feel such a failure to my children 😢

15-05-17, 14:53
In what way have you failed your children?

15-05-17, 16:27
Because it effects my mental state and I cry alot I do try not to do it front of them. It makes me not want to go out and I have no energy some days to do much. I just worry because I want the best for them and I work hard to give them everything they need. I've always felt a failure suffering with this because my depression runs along the anxiety. Vicious cycle. Thank you for listening.

15-05-17, 16:29
Did you read this? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42556)

Positive thoughts

15-05-17, 17:29
Yes I did and I also read it 2 years ago when I was last going through this "state" I'm just so fed up of this now that I feel like along with my anxiety I'm getting extremely depressed. I do have alot on with running a house and 3 beautiful children and working ect ect I also run my.own business on top of this. I can literally read a symptom of something and whoo and behold I will have that symptoms hours later or the day after its like my mind plays tricks 😣😢

15-05-17, 17:38
Are you doing anything to help treat your anxiety? If not, it would be wise to look into. Sounds like you've been doing pretty well and you're having a blip. Having some dragon slaying tools at your disposal would prove helpful when these blips occur.

Positive thoughts

15-05-17, 18:08
Yes I have just started citalopram again. I was originally on them for a while then my consultant made me come of them when I was 6 weeks from giving birth to my son and I stayed of them he's now 1 and I've had a huge relapse to be honest I've been extremely stressed the passed 2 or 3 moths about alot of things and I should have noticed it coming really. It's my.own fault 😢. To top it of I've got awful side affects from the medications I made alot of mistakes at work on Friday because I felt out of it almost as if I wasn't attached to my own body. Thank you for listening