View Full Version : Anxiety after health scare

15-05-17, 14:59
I had a health scare in December which has left me an emotional and nervous wreck. I was nearly finishing my erasmus in Vienna and I there was two consecutive nights where a lot of alcohol was consumed (gin and vodka). Now, I am a 20 year old male, fit and healthy, no conditions or problems, go to the gym and eat well etc. I normally would drink a fair bit if I go out and I never had any problems that were serious or anything, just a hangover. So, after these two nights of drinking, I experienced an irregular heartbeat that had to require cardioversion. I was quite rattled by this experience and may have developed anxiety as a result. I have had panic attacks which has led me into the ER thinking it was my heart but they always assure me that there is nothing wrong, I have no underlying condition or anything. I went through a lot in the past 3 months with moving to another country to do my student internship as well as moving apartments because I had a lot of problems in my first one. I just wish I could believe that I am healthy and just put that unfortunate incident behind me. I am also very anxious every time I drink any alcohol which is very annoying because I like to have a few drinks with friends. Could anyone help me because it is taking its toll and I don't want to feel like this when I am so young and with my life ahead of me :(

15-05-17, 23:15
Hey, I know how you feel.

Having a hangover does increase your heart rate. Period. Mostly because you are dehydrated. Everything that you have described sounds like textbook anxiety symptoms. I think in order to be able to relax and enjoy yourself stress free you need to tackle your anxiety. Try some therapy or meditation. Working out is really good for stress relief also. Alcohol for some people with anxiety, isn't very good because it does cause changes in your body that can trigger panic. And while those things are normal for anyone who has consumed alcohol, for those with anxiety and oversensitivity it can give you this illusion that something is actually wrong with you. I think the older you get the more you feel this anyway, anxiety or not. Try toning it down a bit by drinking less than you normally would. Maybe only have 1 or 2 drinks instead of 3 or 4, see what I mean? Also make sure to keep yourself well hydrated as that'll help with the physical symptoms.

15-05-17, 23:24
I think after a health scare you're bound to have anxiety about it. I reckon that's completely natural :) but I've noticed when I drink my heart seems to race.. and I always get super anxious so I tend to barely drink now just to avoid any anxious feelings.

As jackrabbit said, for now drink a little less and when you feel more confident as in, you feel less anxious, you can try and drink however much you usually drink.

Things will honestly get better. I'm the same age as you so I completely understand how you feel and it's kinda heartbreaking when it feels like things are getting robbed from you cause of anxiety. But you'll get there, honestly! And if you ever need to chat I'm always here :)

16-05-17, 06:30
Thanks for the replies! I've stayed off drink for a few weeks now but anxiety is unfortunately persisting :lac: I've had different pains and everything and after going into the doctor he's referring me to get an ultrasound on my abdomen cause I'm bloated. I know this is just anxiety and that it's not nothing serious, well I'm trying to tell myself that! I just really hope things improve....