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View Full Version : Swallowing throat and chest help me

15-05-17, 15:57

Last couple of weeks when I eat or drink and swallow it feels like it is going down the wind pipe . I feel a tightness and fullness on right side of chest near the sternum but to the right slightly .. it feels like it is stuck in throat and chest and trying to come up . I am worried so I went to emergency and they did a chest x-ray said it was fine I told them now I also have a kind of metallic cough. Doctor said it was muscular pain in the chest and xray was fine said take Advil . Would a chest x-ray pick up food or water in my lungs. I am so scared to eat and swallow now and am very conscious when I swallow .. Would a chest x-ray up a problem in lungs or so you need another kind of test . Please help

15-05-17, 16:14
You would know, beyond all reasonable doubt, if you got water inadvertently on your lungs.

15-05-17, 18:46

Would it trigger some kind of intense gag reflex cough ? Or would it be like tightness in chest ? Would a chest x-ray pick.up food and water in.lungs ? I asked the doc about water in my lungs and he said no , but could get tell from scan

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 15:19 ----------

Anyone ? If it was anxiety and you experienced this how did you overcome this

16-05-17, 19:14
I can swallow but it feels like it is not going down fast enough and I will choke on food or water , and feel tight chested sometimes. I am scared my swallowing muscle is weak and not working properly. So far normal chest x-ray at ER

16-05-17, 19:40
I think throat issues are a very common problem with health anxiety sufferers. The more you think of it the more you notice it. I'm sure an X-ray would pick up any problems and if your dr was worried you'd be in for more tests. X