View Full Version : DVT/birth control anxiety

16-05-17, 03:16
I'm new to the forum..I was put on mononessa for PCOS a week ago. And of course I read the side effects to the pill and e-searched. I have what feels like a pulled muscle on my right leg that I can't stop obsessing if it is DVT that will cause PE. I am 33, non-smoker. I am overweight, hence why I am freaking out, since that increases the risk of having it. My job has me on my feet all day, so, I'm not immobile. I am driving my mom nuts because of my worry.

16-05-17, 13:01
I would state that it is highly unlikely that any negative side effects could have manifested so quickly, but that I am not a doctor and that if you are truly concerned then you should return to your own doctor.

It is worth remembering that health anxiety has a nasty way of preying on our conscious (and subconscious) fears. The mind is a powerful thing and psychosomatic symptoms are very common for lots of people. As you say, you're not immobile and you don't smoke so the chances of you suffering the worst of the highly unlikely side effects are very low. I totally understand about fixating on a 'symptom', I do it myself, but honestly, I believe this is purely an anxiety response. Deep breaths. Let your mum comfort you :-)

16-05-17, 16:25
I had this fear when I started birth control. I told my doctor, I freaked out after a week on it too, she said a week was to early for any of that to happen. The pill has to build up. Most dvt cases are of women who had been on it a month and on. There are some birth control pills that don't carry a huge risk, progesterone based, but since you are dealing with PCOS maybe you can't?
Others have told me it's very rare when DVT does happen.

Did you get the pain before or after reading the DVT risk?

17-05-17, 05:21
Thanks, you guys!! I pretty much got the leg pain after reading the symptoms. I obsess on things...a lot. I didn't have the issues today, because I was focused on work. So, I know it's more of an anxiety issue. I'm thinking seeing a therapist would probably be a good idea for me.

17-05-17, 10:20
I had a Dvt worry recently and I'm not even on the pill anymore! In fact reading this post had made my leg ache again ha. It definitely is psychosomatic. I once tested myseld by imagining I had twitches and a few minutes later I did!