View Full Version : Scared something is wrong with me

16-05-17, 08:25
I've been dealing with this pain behind my eyes for about a week now. It hurt to look side to side or up and down. It's now moved into just the right eye. I just woke up here and its 2 30 am and I was SO DIZZY and sick. Laying on the bathroom floor, I'm now worried that I have a brain tumor or something serious wrong with me. I was just feeling sick on Friday and now it's back. It doesn't seem like my eye is getting better although it has moved from the left to the right. I guess it could be allergy related but idk why it won't go away. I haven't done anything to it. Please help

16-05-17, 12:53
Hi there,

Have you sought medical advice about these symptoms? How does your anxiety manifest normally?

I know it's difficult, but trying to regain a bit of calm will help you think more clearly. Deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Being calm is easier said than done but panic makes everything seem worse. Do you have anyone you can talk to? A partner, friend or family member?
