View Full Version : Female Pelvic Floor Tension?

16-05-17, 10:32
Hi everyone.

It's been a long time since I posted but unfortunately the anxiety demon has reared it's ugly head again.

I had cystitis a month ago. I'm female, so it was just a case of being given antibiotics. My urinalysis showed a significant infection. I've only had cystitis 2-3 times in my life fortunately so it was just a bit of an unpleasant fluke.

After three days on the antibiotics my kidneys were still really aching so I headed back to the doctors (on my mother's orders) where I was given a different antibiotic that is more effective at dealing with the infection further 'up' into the kidneys.

The next day I started to get weird aching in my bum, groin and vagina areas. It was an unusual sensation, not really like I needed to wee but at the same time, it was a weird aching sensation. It felt like a deep muscular ache.

I started to worry at this point, and it got worse. I was jumping awake in the night with this aching, and going for a wee. I was still drinking lots, on doctor's orders. I'm only 25 and this waking up in the night wasn't normal for me and I really started to get worked up over this weird sensation.

I returned to the doctor who gave me more antibiotics but said he didn't think it was an infection, he thought it was probably residual irritation and inflammation. He sent away more urine and when they came back they were all clear... but the aching 'bum bones', groin, twinging vagina feeling continued.

I finally managed to get an appointment with my actual GP and she's been fabulous. She did a full internal examination and swabs etc, all clear, and she let me go through the vast list of potential diagnoses I'd accumulated during my trawls through google. She gave thorough explanations as to why each of my supposed 'conditions' weren't actual concerns and she scheduled in another appointment so I can stay in regular contact with her. On my second visit she increased my duloxetine dosage and insisted I take the diazepam prescription and actually use it, to help me relax.

Yet still, I'm freaking out. I can force myself to relax, but my natural state is on edge and a bit shaky. I've had anxiety blips like this before and every time I convince myself I'll never be 'nornal' again... This time is no different. My vagina, groin, perineum sort of area feels tense and occasionally sort of twinges.

I don't really know why I'm posting other than to hear other ladies' experiences.

I know it's anxiety. But still I'm scared it might not be.

Thanks for reading.

17-05-17, 00:14
It's normal to worry about symptoms like this, especially when they persist for this long. Just know that if you've been to see two separate doctors and been reassured by both that it's nothing bad, I'd say they're right. :) Second opinions are very useful for medical examinations, and if two doctors have assessed you independently of each other and come to the same conclusion, it's probably the right answer. The odds of both of them missing something are tiny. It sounds like the repeat appointments that she's scheduled are a great idea, too, and if there was anything wrong, with her being in regular contact with you she'd pick up on them. So while you may be anxious (and it does feel horrible when that happens!) you're completely safe. :)

17-05-17, 12:34
Thanks for your reply tantopat, it helps to have someone else's perspective.

I've been back on Dr Google this morning and made my symptoms worse. Which makes sense, if it is muscle tension, worry would make it worse. I've half convinced myself I have some kind of pudendal nerve issue. In some ways, my symptoms fit, but in other ways they don't. I think I just need to keep going. And trying to be calm and reasonable. It's easier said than done though.

Thanks again.

21-05-17, 11:17
I've been having this same symptom the past couple of days!! And pinching pains in my abdomen. I've been telling myself it's a digestive problem due to anxiety (i know it doesnt greately explain it but it's just one of the million weird symptoms I got in the past 2 months and others have said to be ok)

21-05-17, 22:52
I had the same thing, along with lower tummy/pelvic pain. Mine also started with a urine infection. It kind of comes and goes now but what you are describing is from you tensing up that area because you have been focusing on it. You will now be noticing every little twinge there and your muscles will be tight.
Every time you remember, do a reverse keegal. So, instead of squeezing the muscles, gently push out a little bit. It will go, once you focus on another body part or occupy your mind

21-05-17, 23:02
A few months ago I had some spotting, and become convinced that I had cervical cancer. Every time I had sex with my boyfriend it really hurt, and i felt like the whole area up there was tender in general and I'd get weird pains. Eventually I went to my doctor and got all the relevant tests done and she said there was no issue. As I started to relax, all the weird sensations stopped and sex stopped being painful. I guess I was creating my own pain by tensing up and focusing too much on every sensation in that area.

I hope you can start to relax and it's great that you have a good doctor.

22-05-17, 09:22
Thank you everyone for your supportive responses. They're really appreciated. I'm going to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist today who is obviously an expert in this matters and who I hope will be able to offer some guidance on promoting relaxation rather than this tension!

Thanks again :-) xxx