View Full Version : Tight Neck Muscles + Lump in Throat, Please Help!

16-05-17, 12:15
It feels like a lifetime since I've posted on these forums, I've had health anxiety since 2005 or so, but I've been doing very well actually managing it by avoiding things like Dr.Google & also by just simply giving things time to run its course.

Well, I'm here due to the fact that I'm honestly at my wits end with what I'm currently experiencing and don't have the money required to go see a doctor about whats going on with me, at least for a little while.

For the past about, four days, I've been experiencing a lump in my throat the sensation feels like I have a lump at the back of my tongue, or that perhaps one of my tonsils is swollen (it changes sides from time to time, or feels like its happening straight down the middle.) The sensation doesn't necessarily come & go, however it changes in severity at what feels like the drop of a hat.

Along with the sensation of something being in my throat, I've also felt tight front neck muscles (the ones that go from your ear to your collarbone) it feels like they are tight, or perhaps I'm more aware of them? Either way it is a very uncomfortable feeling.

It has gotten to the point where I've lost my appetite and don't really feel like eating, and when I do eat I get nauseous the moment I try to put something in my mouth and if it takes me more then one swallow to get a piece of food down my throat I freak out. I've thought about every single thing that could possibly be wrong, from my soft palate being too low to my thyroid being swollen - the not knowing is driving me crazy and every day I have this issue I get more and more depressed and worried about it, because I've looked at my throat over and over again - and nothing appears to be swollen or red - I've had globus before but that's only last at the most a day - not four!

I'm at my wits end, I over analyze every little click, pop, gurgle and any sound coming from my throat or mouth - I'm terrified that this is something horrible and I just don't know what to do.

Any help anyone could offer me would be greatly appreciated, I fear this is taking over my life and I know that in order to get better, I can't let it. :weep: