View Full Version : Oral Chemotherapy Anxiety

16-05-17, 14:00
Hi There,
Just need some help if anyone can help. Basically last year my Mum got cancer and had Chemotherapy in Hospital but also had it in tablet form which she brought home. She warned me not to touch the tablets as they were dangerous but this has now lead to anxiety that now the house is contaminated by chemotherapy. My mum passed away 15 months ago now and steadily my anxiety has got worse, now I'm constantly washing and cleaning. This can be hoovering, wiping down doors, cleaning my clothes as the time, not touching things incase they contain chemo and washing myself a ridiculous amount of times. Now i shower about 2 times a day, don't use a towel afterwards and my hands are so dry and cracked. Can anyone offer any advice? Am i doing mad, going over the top and does it make sense. I've had OCD before but now seems out of hand and I can't get the thought I'm contaminated out of my mind. Thanks for reading.

16-05-17, 14:34
If that were the case, all our homes would be contaminated by the drugs we keep in our homes. A chemo drug in tablet form is no different than any drug sitting on the shelf. That's the reality.

Positive thoughts

16-05-17, 16:36
I'm really sorry to hear about you losing your mum. :hugs:

The best thing to do here is treat the OCD because if there was a risk, they wouldn't let people bring them home. Even then, only the OCD sufferer would keep on cleaning & washing like this.

I suggest you talk to your doctor and look for help such as therapy. You may need some help getting over the grief too, I'm assuming there though.

16-05-17, 19:45
Thanks guys, it's strange because this bout of OCD has only come on in the last few weeks. Before then I have been cautious in the home but now I'm terrified about catching something.
Maybe I should visit the doctor then, as it just seems to be getting worse.

17-05-17, 00:08
It sounds like your anxiety is something that needs to be discussed with your doctor, who'll know the best way to help you and advise you as far as counselling goes - as for the tablets, just having them around is completely safe. :) If they're still with you, it might also be best taking them to your local pharmacy, as they can safely and properly dispose of them if that'll help bring you peace of mind in that sense.

Massive virtual hugs, and I hope things get better for you soon!

17-05-17, 17:39
Thanks for the advice! The tablets went back to the doctors last year, it's just the thought of residue being left in house that sets me off. I did the worse thing by googling it and came up with some stories. Strange thing is, I've been fine the last year then it's all flared up again.

18-05-17, 11:51

Do not worry about the drugs (cytotoxic is the medical word) contaminating our house. I work in a Cancer Centre Pharmacy and we handle these drugs everyday. The reason you shouldn't touch them is, in theory, REPEATED EXPOSURE OVER MANY YEARS might cause adverse health effects. This is true in our aeseptic dispensing unit.

Your house is NOT contaminated by them and you will NOT be injured or made otherwise unwell from them. Relax.


19-05-17, 22:38
Thanks, I didn't realise that. It's just what I've read on the Internet, me being Dr Google again and reading some stuff that has scared me.
I'll try and keep that advice in mind, good to know. I've been fine about the house for the last year but has recently got worse, I know I'm thinking too much about it really.