View Full Version : The dreaded headache

16-05-17, 21:15
So, i have been getting headaches now for around 3 months usually 2-to-3 weeks at a time. They have accumulated some friends (symptoms) along the way in the form of twitches, neck pain, chest pain (muscle), serious muscle tension, throat clicking, visual snow...

It's so difficult to believe that this is all anxiety related. I mentioned in a previous post that it all started with me getting pains in my head when I coughed and leaned over - which lead me to google, which leads me to where I am now, basically a mess.

After the first few weeks of me getting these headaches, i went for bloods and seen my GP who repeatedly told me it's anxiety after giving me a checkup and listening to my wine.

My bloods came back all fine and literally all of a sudden that heavy vile feeling of pure fear disappeared and almost forgot about for around 2 weeks, then one weekend the stabbing pain came back when coughing which lead me right back on the same anxious path.

I have always been worrier and I have always been an extream person in everything I have done, am also someone who has terrible OCD's - with all this i have still always been able to make the most of things but since all of this happened to me i feel lost and useless.

I just want to feel like me again - with out that worry on my back!

17-05-17, 08:11
Hey Jhopley,

I totally know when you're coming fronwith this and feel for you as I've pretty much had the same, headaches for over a year, fatigue etc. Told it's all anxiety aswell but I agree m, the hardest part is believeing that it's anxiety. Distraction helps, I tried yoga aswell which was good. You'll get there.

17-05-17, 08:56
Don't worry, i am literally in the same position as you..

I have had headaches since October last year, coupled with tension, visual problems and i was and am still convinced that i have something terrible, no thanks to Dr. Google..

I just had an MRI done last Monday and i am awaiting the results. Fingers crossed for the all clear!!

If i were you, for the time being i would practice some stress relief. It hard to think that anxiety can produce such sensations, but i suppose it can..

Positive vibes your way!

17-05-17, 10:09
Hi there

Yep the headache is a recent one for me. seems to have changed places with other stuff I was getting.

The key is to stop dreading it so much but easier said than done. I do yoga twice a day and listen to relax music.

When I get a headache, I sometimes find that massaging the area helps, as well as that daft EFT tapping which a few people swear by. Anything worth trying basically.


17-05-17, 11:32
Thanks guys for replying - it's good to know am not alone. Not only is it a complete head **** going through this but it's also som frustrating when the people around you struggle understand.

17-05-17, 11:45
I joined here this time last year due to unrelenting headaches.

They are a lot better now. I still get them from time to time but after a year, if it was serious I'd be a lot worse than I am now.

I also have the twitches, aches and pains and i have a tremor.