View Full Version : Going to Lodnond for the weekend, first time at a hotel, any anxity tips?

16-05-17, 22:56
Hi all. I know I should not be writing this, as its just feeding into my anxiety, but in 10 days time (26th) me & my mum will be heading up to London, looking around at some of the sites, staying overnight at a Premier Inn, and then going to MCM Comic Con the next day. We where meant to do this last year, but illness got in the day. Now for the last few months I have been relatively OK dealing with the anxiety, however I have gotten to the stage now where it is catching up a bit more.

As you can see I have started counting the days, and I have been thinking things like "I had better relish playing this video game, because in over a weeks time I will not be able to play and I may not make it back to play it again!" Silly stuff I know. Also this will be the first time I will be stay at a hotel of sorts, so that is playing on my mind a bit. The idea of being away from everything for even one night feels a little... scary. I dunno. Part of me wonders if it would be best to cancel the room and just go up & down on the Saturday instead.

How do others who travel, go on short holidays likes this etc, cope with their anxiety? I am trying to use CBT and mindfulness to help, reminding myself that the key to this anxiety is thinking to much about the 'if & buts' of the situation. I need to stop think in terms of days, just be mindful in the now. Everything else is in the future, and I will deal with it when it comes.

*Yeah, I misspelled London in the title... sorry! :o

16-05-17, 22:58
Personally I love staying in hotels! Its a little weird but very safe and there is always good breakfast in the morning! You will deffinitley come back from london (and play that video game again!)

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17-05-17, 11:26

For me, when I travel and I’m anxious about it, I like to plan it a lot so I know what’s going to be happening, i.e. are you getting the train there, what time train, what time will you get in to London, do you know the route from the station to the hotel and how will you get there (tube, taxi, walk), are you eating out on the Friday evening, if so where? Maybe planning in such detail is a bit overwhelming, but I quite enjoy the planning of a holiday/trip as I start to get more excited for it and can focus on looking for a nice restaurant, planning things to do etc. rather than on my anxiety.

I’d also try to focus on the positives of going the night before – you can get up later and so have more sleep if you are already in London, you won’t have to rush in the morning, and you won’t have the anxiety of travelling on the day, and if you’re travelling into London on Friday afternoon this is maybe likely to be less busy than travelling in on Saturday morning (if travelling is a source of anxiety for you). Maybe download a film you haven’t seen but have been wanting to see for a while, or a favourite film of yours, to watch in the evening when you’re at the hotel – something that will be a nice way to relax. Buy some nice snacks to eat and try to make the evening a nice part of the trip as well, rather than seeing it as just a period of time you have to get through before the main part of the weekend?

17-05-17, 21:14
I feel insecure away from home but a hotel room is like a safe haven to me. I hope you find it quite a nice safe place too.

21-05-17, 02:32
Thank you all for the advice! When it comes to anxiety it is the waiting/build up that seems to get me most. I am feeling a bit better about it now though. It helped that I did Google the hotel I am staying at just to see what the rooms where like/reviews, and it all seems good.

Its hard to say just what is making me anxious really, as the moment one thing is solved my brain will instantly try to find another. My mind can get easily attacked with 'What Ifs?" but I am trying to use my CBT training to combat such ideas, telling myself that they are just intrusive thoughts based on exaggerated fear. I suppose it is mostly the idea of being away from home, but I will have my mum with me and if all else fails/I have a panic attack, we can just get on the train back home. Fingers crossed I do not though! :)

21-05-17, 03:23
I struggle with anxiety every now and then. It used to be intense. But I still happen to worry from time to time. I find that talking to others helps to a certain extent or distracting myself with good entertainment (like TV, youtube videos, movies, etc.). Distraction can help with my anxiety, but only short-term. For a while, I've been thinking of doing meditation, although it seems like a huge thing to get into.

I think it is important to look intyo the current moment and just realize that you have a long life ahead of you. You'll have plenty of vacations in your life that will be anxiety-free. I've had anxiety on certain vacations and it seemed to overshadow my experience. I think you should talk to your mom about this and get her perspective.

Maybe talking to a nearby therapist or counselor could help.

I hope this helsp you to soem extent.

27-09-17, 23:00
Oh, I forgot to update this! To those wondering, I did manage to go through with the trip, and had probably the best day of my life. The hotel was lovely, and I even overslept! We had a look around central London, places like Big Ben and it was just so amazing! Its odd, I found myself most relaxed in places like the Underground. The Comic Con was amazing too. It was so worth it, I met my favorite YouTuber TomSka and Hynden Walch! (Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time... I will never be too old for cartoons!)

Funnily enough, I have another trip coming up in a few days. Going to Bristol, this time just a 30min trip. I am trying to remain chilled, though I cannot get the thought of missing my train home out of my mind! (The show we are seeing ends at 10:20 last train home is 11:37...) Eh well, I am sure all will be well!

Thanks again for the advice everyone!