View Full Version : Too Many Symptoms

17-05-17, 00:44
I do have health anxiety but not in the traditional sense.I don't worry about lumps etc. I have a few real conditions that scare me into panic. My everday symptoms are colitis like symptoms, nausea, burning feet, horrible pounding palpitations, assorted muscle problems. And if I ever get that better, I have five teeth that need to be extracted. One hurts on a regular basis, and that feeds the panic.

The bowel problem came from taking a prescription med, some other problems came from the recent death of my parents, and a problem with my wife of 30 years.

Some of the symptoms may be from klonopin withdrawal although I still take it, not just as much as it would like me to.

I don't see doctors, or the dentist yet. Can you imagine sitting through an extraction feeling like youre going to soil yourself, your heart pounding in your throat etc etc. ? I cant . But soon the tooth will bring the big panic ultimatum. I really feel doomed. Breathing exercises, hypno all that doesn't help. So how is that for healty anxiety?

17-05-17, 02:18
Wow I am sorry! You,have A LOT going on. Does your dentist handle fear well?

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17-05-17, 02:49
First of all go to a doctor with your "colitis" like symptoms and find out what it is.

My dad drilled into our heads from an early age to "take care of your teeth" and I have. Oh yeah back in the day that they didn't know what flossing was. So now I have gum disease. You know what though? I take care of it by seeing my dentist on a regular basis. I have also worked with dentists and oral surgeons. Trust me they do NOT want to cause you pain. Tell the dentist your fears and they will take good care of you. I have had it all, root canals, extractions, deep root cleaning, you name it. You know what? Going to the dentist doesn't even bother me. I know they will take good care of me. Get your health cleaned up and I'm sure you will feel better, then see a therapist about the grief you have from your parents death and issues with your wife. One thing at a time.