View Full Version : Heart/chest fluttering

17-05-17, 14:38
Hi friends. It's been a long time since I posted, partly because my anxiety tends to come and go in waves, and partly because this site can sometimes trigger my health anxiety. I hope people can understand that.

I've had a few actual health events since my last post. Twice I went to the ER for heart rate over 220 bpm. Had a whole barrage of tests, nothing wrong, just fast heart rate once in awhile. Pretty scary though.

For the past few days I have had fluttering in the left side of my chest, much like a muscle spasm. I've had these in my stomach, intestines (related to IBS), my face, arms, you name it---so I'm assuming it's anxiety. But, it's very disconcerting to have them all centralized around my heart right now, some in my back (same area). It's painless and just feels like fish flip flopping or bird wings fluttering, irratic, pulse seems fine and steady. You can even see my chest moving during the spasm. :scared15:

Anyone have this? I cannot go to the doc. Zero time or money for this, and I refuse to google this. It's making it very hard to concentrate and/or sleep. Thanks everyone.

bin tenn
17-05-17, 15:13
If you can see your chest moving, I'd say it's likely an outer muscle spasm, and not around/on the heart. I understand the cardiac fears completely. I've dealt with them many times in the past several years. They can be a real bear to move past, but if you've had numerous tests and your heart is fine, well, your heart is fine. :D

17-05-17, 15:23
If you can see your chest moving, I'd say it's likely an outer muscle spasm, and not around/on the heart. I understand the cardiac fears completely. I've dealt with them many times in the past several years. They can be a real bear to move past, but if you've had numerous tests and your heart is fine, well, your heart is fine. :D

Thanks, Bin Tenn. Yes, I can see the twitches (like I've seen on my belly or eye or wherever else I've had them)...hence why I'm not *totally* freaking out. It's just the first time I've had them around the heart. Thanks for relating. I just needed to hear from an actual human/"anxiety-struggler" instead of googling.

I wish I had an idea why the muscles are twitching in this area rather than others, though. That's kind of what I am waiting for, to feel it in other areas so I know it's generalized. But, then again, that's just me hyper focusing on bodily sensations/symptoms. Stupid cycle...


bin tenn
18-05-17, 01:48
Doesn't matter why it's just in those areas. All that matters is that it's not unusual, so no cause for concern. I get twitches, sometimes visible, in places, too. Thighs, chest (like you're talking about), eyelids, abdomen. It happens. No idea the exact cause, but not abnormal. And you're welcome, glad I could help. :D

18-05-17, 03:01
I've had heart flutter feelings too that were definitely anxiety. I got them tested with EKGs, an echocardiogram, and a heart monitor with a button to push when I felt the flutters. Nothing was wrong.

Ever since I got the results back and accepted that it's anxiety, it's pretty much disappeared. I hope this helps ease your anxiety.