View Full Version : Loss of appetite

18-05-17, 09:37
Hi guys,

I'm new here but would really like some help!
I've been freaking out for days now because I have had some stomach discomfort, but I've also lost my appetite which is completely not like me! I've tried to rationalise with myself that this is due to the stress I've put my body through with anxiety but sometimes I begin to panic that it's an early sign of cancer :( does anyone else relate? I'd really appreciate any replies

04-06-17, 16:24
Worth bearing in mind that loss of appetite can be caused by anxiety - one of my biggest symptoms is my throat tightening up and feeling dry, making it difficult to eat most foods without gagging. And then because I haven't been eating much I feel run down and lose weight, and then I start worrying about that... it's a vicious cycle.

Even stomach discomfort and bowel trouble can be caused or worsened by anxiety (especially if you have IBS), so relieving the stress in of itself might help get rid of your symptoms. A while ago I went to the doctor with weakness and abdominal cramps, fully convinced I'd ruptured an internal organ or had cancer or bowel disease... turns out it was just plain old stress-induced muscle tension! As soon as the doctor told me it was unlikely to be serious I started feeling better, and I haven't had the cramps nearly as often since.

If it's something you're really seriously concerned about, go and see your GP - at best you'll have the peace of mind knowing there's nothing wrong, and at worst you'll get the medical attention you need. I'd recommend letting the doctor know you have anxiety, as they'll be able to help treat the stress in the absence of any underlying physical illness.

04-06-17, 16:48
Agree with above poster simply it could also be down to the warmer weather we are having sometimes I wont eat all day with the warmth.