View Full Version : Hell I cannot take this anymore please reassure me

18-05-17, 15:57
I was sitting in the computer and then I stood up to take something to eat while instantly there came a huge pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, like associated with my right testicle and leg, I kneed down and the pain eased, as soon as I got up again the pain was severe once more and I felt dizzy for 2 seconds, as soon as I laid down to the floor it went away, when I stoop up a minute later the pain was gone as well, I got incredibly mad, I broke the couch while hitting, and started punching the wall until my fist got incredibly painful, then for a moment the right ear's hearing reduced and there was a piiip sound that lasted for like 3 seconds and then the hearing came back to normal. Can this be stroke? Can this be something I am extremely terrified, no one ever takes me seriously anymore, not even the doctors, so I am lost, no idea what to do and what can this be? Extremely terrifieeedd........... AND HELL MAAD

18-05-17, 19:35
It doesn't sound like a stroke to me. Taking your symptoms in order, my husband occadiona6 gets pain in the testicle when driving so , as you were sitting at the computer maybe it is to do with sitting in the same position for a long time. As far as the ear is concerned, maybe it us blocked and then you can sometimes just pop a hole in the wax and it clears again. This happens to me when my ears get blocked with wax. Hope you calm down soon.

18-05-17, 19:40
What worried me was the dizziness, i strained my leg it's true. Could the dizziness be caused because I stood up after kneeing down? Also I got out of control as I said, made my fist bloody while hitting the wall and broke the couch, that mad I was. Would stroke have happened by now? Now my hands somewhat feel slightly weaker but I was depressed. I am only 19 ffs, I have had ECGs echodiagram CT of head, blood work, urine tests, neuro visits, ent visits hell I have no clue what to do next.

18-05-17, 19:49
I have no clue what to do next.

Professional help?

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 19:54
Professional help?

Positive thoughts

Well, have to wait 3 more weeks for that. I have doubts whether am I going to be alive by that time, like I have always had those doubts, I remember being 12 and thinking whether I'd be alive by 18, I am soon to be 20 and still worrying, worse than before now actually.

18-05-17, 19:57
Are you wondering if you are going to be alive before your appointment because of a medical reason or you are thinking of harming yourself?

If you are thinking of harming yourself then you need to get help right away.

You can call your local suicide hotline for this and they will get you the help you need asap.

18-05-17, 20:19
I love life, I fear of dying young and not living enough, therefor I will never harm myself, I am just scared of being medically ill and perhaps I am gonna die from a stroke, heart attack, aneurysm or whatever it may be.

18-05-17, 20:36
I love life, I fear of dying young and not living enough, therefor I will never harm myself, I am just scared of being medically ill and perhaps I am gonna die from a stroke, heart attack, aneurysm or whatever it may be.

You're 19... :huh: Relief is coming. Work hard on your therapy. Make sure the therapist knows of your participation on the forum.

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 21:18
My therapist knows I participate here and she thinks its great! Anxious Teen see a doctor about your anxiety, you are only 19. Go out and live life and don't think about dying, none of us knows when it will happen. I like your quote Fish.

18-05-17, 21:30
My therapist knows I participate here and she thinks its great! Anxious Teen see a doctor about your anxiety, you are only 19. Go out and live life and don't think about dying, none of us knows when it will happen. I like your quote Fish.

Thanks SG... as far as your participation? You're obviously on a pretty good healing path based on your posts and sharing what has worked for you is very beneficial to other members. I'm referring to those that are caught in the reassurance rabbit hole and it's quite apparent that many here are stuck neck deep in it. Breaking the reassurance habit is vital to recovery.

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 21:40
Thanks Fish, I am getting better and its people like you that have helped. How is your wife doing? I appreciate you clarifying something for me, I really didn't understand the whole HA mind set until you referred to it as the "reassurance rabbit hole." I mentioned HA to my therapist yesterday and she didn't understand what I was talking about, being in the states maybe we don't call it Health Anxiety. After I described it she smiled and said, oh that's the ole stinkin thinking! I thought I would share the steps anyone that is willing to work on their recovery with or without medication.

18-05-17, 21:45
Thanks Fish, I am getting better and its people like you that have helped. How is your wife doing? I appreciate you clarifying something for me, I really didn't understand the whole HA mind set until you referred to it as the "reassurance rabbit hole." I mentioned HA to my therapist yesterday and she didn't understand what I was talking about, being in the states maybe we don't call it Health Anxiety. After I described it she smiled and said, oh that's the ole stinkin thinking! I thought I would share the steps anyone that is willing to work on their recovery with or without medication.

I have an update in the Misc. section. It's been very difficult :(

I've come to learn a lot about anxiety in my time here. It's helped me with my daughter and with my own demons. Sounds like she knows what HA is and I like that name for it :) As you know because you're doing it, it takes a lot of hard work and practice. Breaking old habits and thinking patterns takes time and effort.

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 22:59
Hi there,

I think from what I have read, you are so adamant something is wrong (like many of us are here). That when you have such levels of anxiety, your body acts up. It will give you symptoms, your brain will play tricks. However the feared illness you think you may have, for someone your age, is extremley unlikely. The chances are your anxiety will make you ill, before a stroke or something that severe happens to you.

Keep fighting through it, you are not alone.
