View Full Version : Colonoscopy Fears

18-05-17, 16:55
I'm new here. I'm having my first "routine" colonoscopy tomorrow, and I am terrified they will find something. People keep trying to reassure me that the test is nothing. I'm NOT afraid of the test. I'm afraid of the results! I have a cancer phobia, along with a magnitude of other anxieties that sometimes make me feel less than normal. All my thoughts go to worst case scenario immediately. My doctor has me on Paxil, which has helped me at least get out and about in the world again. But NOTHING seems to help with my HA and cancer phobia.

18-05-17, 17:20
How old are you?

18-05-17, 17:34

18-05-17, 17:44
Is it a routine colonscopy? I had one done last December. What's good they tell you results after. Instead making you wait a week for the test results which causes anxiety.

18-05-17, 17:49
Yes, it is a routine colonoscopy. I'm a little late having one, as they recommend one at 50, but I couldn't draw up the courage until just recently.

18-05-17, 17:51
Yes, it is a routine colonoscopy. I'm a little late having one, as they recommend one at 50, but I couldn't draw up the courage until just recently.

It's routine... the prep is ummm.. "interesting" ~lol~ But other than that, they'll give you the good drugs and wake you up when it's over :)

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 17:53
But what if they find something...cancer....

18-05-17, 18:09
But what if they find something...cancer....

There's that pesky "what if?" for ya! I have one for you.... What if they don't? There's no reason to think there is anything wrong other than your anxiety messing with you.

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 18:25
Thank you.