View Full Version : Not another lump....sigh

18-05-17, 19:12
Hi all - anyone here probably already knows that I struggle/have been struggling with BC anxiety to the point of obsessively checking. I got my last ultrasound in December and all was well except for 2 benign cysts on my right breast (one of which I can feel).

I've just done my monthly check and found a lump on my left breast, sort of at the bottom right hand side. Sometimes I can feel it clearly and sometimes I can't depending on the way I'm laying and holding my arm. When I manage to feel it it's a little squishy sort of like the cyst on my right breast but maybe not as large/round?

Even with health anxiety I'm like 90% sure this is another cyst that's popped up. I am so sad that now I have to go through the same cycle all over again of going to the doctor, getting referred for an ultrasound, scheduling the ultrasound, getting the ultrasound, waiting for test results (and calling anxiously), and getting the OK.

It SUCKS to have to do this every time you find something or think you find something. That's what they always tell you to do but if I do that I might as well buy myself an ultrasound machine it looks like!

This would be the 3rd ultrasound I've had in 3 years. :scared15: If I just have "lumpy" boobs I would think it would be safe to watch and wait but all the BC stuff warns you to get it checked out right away and makes me want to run to the doctor TODAY!

28-05-17, 13:20
For anyone that finds this and is curious as to what happened, I did have several (!) cysts in my left breast that was causing all the lumps I felt. There were even some there that were too small to feel but that showed up on ultrasound.

I was assured they were all benign simple cysts and that having many of these things is common for women my age (35).

So chalk up another exam to something non-cancerous - so hard to not freak out every time you feel something but if you get it checked out please remember it's soooo much more likely to be benign!