View Full Version : lower left abdominal pain

18-05-17, 20:35
All day every few hours i keep getting a pain in the lower left of my abdomen, its like a twinge that goes from my hip bone toward the center of my abdomen, i feel it every few minutes for about half an hour then it goes away for a few hours. I got it at 11 then again at 4 and now again at 8, its starting to freak me out. its not partially painful, just annoying, but because i have a huge fear of getting an appendicitis any stomach pain i have terrifies me, i know the appendix is on the right side but im scared its something just as bad, or im feeling the pain in the wrong place. I dont wanna go to sleep later because im scared i will wake up in agony.

18-05-17, 22:07
Appendix is on your right side. You really have nothing on your left side besides your descending colon. It could be poop or gas. I wouldn't be concerned unless I got a fever or the pain was severe.

19-05-17, 02:25
Just a tummy bug to me.