View Full Version : Nose bleed down throat?

18-05-17, 20:39
I woke up this morning and when I was walking to the bathroom I tasted blood. I spit and didn't see anything. Then I looked in my throats and saw some blood and panicked. Then I felt something in my nose and blew my nose and out came a giant clump of mucus and blood. Then the taste in my mouth was gone and no more blood came from my nose.

I assumed it was just my nose dripping down and was fine. Then I was dumb and looked up that only posterior bleeds tend to go down the throats and that those are usually caused by something serious like high blood pressure, leukemia, all sorts of bad things. It's been really hot out of nowhere so I don't know if that contributed to it? Could the bleed have been from the front and just gone down my throats because I was laying down and there was a lot of mucus blocking my nose??

18-05-17, 20:56
Ugh! You were thinking absolutely rational... until you Googled.

Why do we continue to stick our hand in the fire ???

18-05-17, 22:04
I had an exposed blood vessel in my nose and I got horrible nose bleeds that would pour down my throat, so the internet lied! Lol keep an eye on it and if it gives u anymore problems have an ENT doc check it out. Stay away from Google

Catherine S
18-05-17, 22:05
My guess is that when you Googled you went straight to the bad bits and ignored the normal bits, like sometimes your sinuses can cause this to happen too. Also, it's not unusual for blood from your nose to go down your throat as it's all connected. The connection is why we have ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists in hospitals and medical centres.