View Full Version : Petechaie panic - Please help

18-05-17, 22:50
Hi all,

I am new here and to be honest going through a tough time. My dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer in Feb, the second time he has been diagnosed. The first time round I handled it ok, this time though its made me worry non stop.

I am terrified I have petechaie and therefore Leukemia. I have been to the doctors, two said its petchaie and sent me for comprehensive blood tests. All came back normal.

However today I saw a doctor who said its not petechaie, so I am really confused as to what it is.

I have attached pictures (of what I fear is petechaie) and any advice on how to handle this or feedback on the images please dont hesistate. I really do neee help overcoming this.


18-05-17, 23:11
I had to look... (at least it wasn't poo! Thank you for that! ~lol~)

Seriously? They look like normal freckles/body marks. Petechaie normally are in groups if I'm not mistaken. Either way, I'd stick with the all clear from the trained medical professionals. None of them are concerned at all and your scientific medical tests are clear.

Positive thoughts

18-05-17, 23:17
Well if I did attatch images of that sort, I doubt I would be on here much longer lol!

I only refer to them as petechaie, as that is what my GP said it was. They are red and that was my concern and why I went in the first place. I have had around 10-12 appear in the last month over my body.

I do have psoriasis so was wondering if it could be linked to that. However having had conflicting statments between doctors, it got me paniced.

Thanks Fish for your reply

18-05-17, 23:22
Well if I did attatch images of that sort, I doubt I would be on here much longer lol!

Oh stick around, you be surprised what can show up on here!

I'm not looking at your pics, I never do when people post body parts - if the doctors aren't worried why would I as an untrained Internet random? Learn to trust them - they know what they're on about.

Sorry to hear about your dad, an understandable time for anxiety to flare up.

18-05-17, 23:26
Well if I did attatch images of that sort, I doubt I would be on here much longer lol!

Oh stick around, you be surprised what can show up on here!

Amen brother... Amen! Some folks sure do like... well let's say "have a personal relationship" with their poo!

Positive thoughts and poo threads

18-05-17, 23:27
Perhaps past experience has made you fearful of opening pictures haha. My pictures are zoomed into the spot so dont worry!

Yes I can try and learn to trust them, when they seem to agree on things!

Thank youn and yeah I think it is how my bodies coping mechanism. Wish it could choose something else though lol.

19-05-17, 07:53
Perhaps past experience has made you fearful of opening pictures haha. My pictures are zoomed into the spot so dont worry

It's more that, like everyone else on the forum, I'm in no way qualified to diagnose anything from pictures, and photographing and posting things isn't a healthy habit to encourage people to do.

19-05-17, 11:32
So I have just finished at the doctors and here is what she said.

The spots look like petechial spots, however she can't tell me exactly what they are. However she said there is no cause for alarm as all blood tests are normal. She did mention I had been asked to go back and get cogulation confirmed. Though she said it would be platelet count they would be concerned about. However that came back normal on three tests.

So in conclusion, still not sure what the spots are, I don't know why more appear. Apparently nothing to be alarmed about. She mentioned I may have arthritis and if it is RA I assume that may be linked to petechaie.

So still unsure

19-05-17, 18:50
FBC came back today, it was normal. This is the 4th FBC so I assume I am healthy and the doctors were right

19-05-17, 18:52
FBC came back today, it was normal. This is the 4th FBC so I assume I am healthy and the doctors were right

Exactly ;) No assuming... that's proof!

Positive thoughts

19-05-17, 20:36
Thanks Fish, I felt as though it was pretty much dead set proof.

Really appreciate this forum, great help.