View Full Version : I'm having eye ache - can this because by anxiety?

05-05-07, 11:07

Since last Wednesday I have noticed my eyes are aching, it feels like I'm tired.
Obviously I'm starting to panic and I'm having thoughts of tumour etc behind the eyes.

I had a blood test about four weeks ago, which came back normal, it was to rule out anything serious for why I was feeling sick.
About eight weeks ago, I had an eye test, as I was due after it being two years and everything was normal.

Is it me focusing on this eye situation or can anxiety cause it, as I have been feeling ok in the last few weeks with not much to worry about?


07-05-07, 08:13
hi there

It was so strange seeing this post i had never heard of eye ache before untill i had it a few weeks ago, i woke up one morning and my eyes hurt (both of them that i could hardly open them yet i didn't have any sticky or anything round them. I felt as though i had been punched in both eyes, went to docs after a couple of days and she said it could be an alergy to something around me, well of course i didn't believe that and as my eye appontment was due off i went to the optiction. she had a thorough look and asured me there was nothing wrong at all. well this went on for about 3 weeks then all of a sudden disappeard so goodness knows what is was but obviously it wasn't harmful. so if you still have it try not to worry too much, but if it does get worse get it checked again.

good luck:)

07-05-07, 08:49
Hi Red,

i went through a period of eyeache that lasted about 3 months. I thought it was worse as it was only in one eye, so you can imagine my train of thought!! Never found out a cause but it eventually went, so i put it down to stress etc.

anx xx

07-05-07, 17:51
well, youre going to laugh at this, especially nanny, as yesterday morning i woke up and my eyes yes both...were itchy and blood filled. As its been bankholiday, i couldnt see my doctor but ive been to a & e twice and the opticians they have both told me that ive got allergic conjunctivitus and the blood vessels have burst but nothing to worry about but i still cant settle.
x x x x

07-05-07, 19:45

I just don't want to go running to my doctor as I'm sure he is getting brassed off with dealing with me. I have done quite well as I think it has been six weeks since I last went to see my doctor.

Confussed and don't know where to turn as I can not go back to the opticians as I was last there 8 weeks ago.


07-05-07, 19:58

Back in February I had an eye irritation and got so worked up asked the optician to check me out. She came back saying that my eyes had improved!

A month later my eyes then got all weird, not being able to focus on the computer. This lasted about three weeks and went overnight!

They have been fine since!

I had a particularly stressful time in January and February so is this hardly surprising!

Hope yours soon clears up - it's highly likely to be anxiety.

08-05-07, 07:46

Not slept much last night with worry.

As I'm tagger with health anxiety, people close to me keep saying that I will be all right and that I always have to worry about something.

Well, like I said above, I'm also worried about seeing my doctor as I suppose to be trying not to see him for a good period of time and how do we know if this eye aching is serious or anxiety related, it is making my life very hard to understand.


08-05-07, 08:19
Hi Lillibet

What a coincidence lol, but i'm glad you had it checked out. I know you'll still worry (don't we all):lac: but please try to put it out of your mind there is something seriously wrong. Allergies can and do give us a lot of blinking hassle worrywise!! :)

Red devil you should never be worried about going to your doctor!! they are there to help, and if it puts your mind at rest to see her/him then go.
i'm the same i feel like i'm just being a pain and think the receptionist must think me a right one, but dr's should understand how us anxiety suferers feel and should do all they can to put our minds at rest. please go, it's better to have your mind put at rest rather than think your a nuisance........... good luck

08-05-07, 09:23

I went for my eyes testing for new glasses as this problem only occurred last Wednesday.

My wife has said that they would of noticed something then but I’m not convinced.


08-05-07, 16:50
Oh Red im sorry to hear your still worrying, unfortunately, i cant be of any help to you as im off to see my dr in a min, thats 3 drs in 3 days and an optician and im still worrying. Hope your feeling better soon.

Love Lilibet

08-05-07, 17:50
I have just made an appointment to see optician on Thursaday.

I'm worried they are going to think "not him again" but I guess they will be able to see more then a doctor.


08-05-07, 19:57
Have i done the correct thing booking to see optician instead of doctor?

08-05-07, 20:52
Hi Red,

I think so, as the Dr may only tell you to go to the Optician anyway, I would imagine they will understand alot more about the eye and be able to see to the back etc..

If you read my post you will see my anxiety is HIV after a rape 6 yrs ago, 4 negatives later and I still dont believe.

I do get alot of eye ache Red, they allways feel very tired etc..., go check it out for your peace of mind, but i'm sure you'll be fine.


09-05-07, 00:09
Ok got you covered on this one.. lol.. I have been having exactly the samething recently..Geez im wondernig if I wrote this..or you did.. ANYWAY .. its eye strain from the computer and also allergies and sinus causes the same thing.If you havent had your eyes checked in awhile have them checked if glacoma or diabeties runs in your family have them checked for that ,but I would be willing to bet you that you have normal eye strain and allergy problems..and or sinus .. So hopefully this helps..My eyes were killing me for weeks and the pollen and dust has been in the air heavly .. check the weather service in your area they can usually tell you how bad it is..also instead of being on the computer every night every extra moment take a few nights to let go and close your eyes early even if you dont sleep just rest them.I can tell you it will make a world of difference.. Michael

09-05-07, 00:31
Hi, Could it perhaps be eyestrain, too much time spent on PC?? Could it be Blepharitis aggravated by eyestrain?? Just a thought.

09-05-07, 07:41

I last had my eyes tested about 10 weeks ago as I wanted some new glassses.
I have another booked for Thursday but I was wondering if I would be wasting their time.

I do work on computers all day and in the evening, been doing it for years, maybe the eyes are tired?

Today my previous symtom of headache has appeared and i'm getting realy worried and stressed about a tumour.


12-05-07, 14:33
Hi there

I have had eye pain for about 8-10 weeks now
I have been to see a GP twice,the second time she didnt even examime me,shes sending me for an MRI...im really scared ,why would she do this without examination??

Its only my right eye,it feel like theres huge pressure there and in my ear too and ive had awful headaches on that side and on the back of my head :weep:

I went to an optician 4 weeks ago and he said they looked fine and he checked the pressures and said they were fine too,but his machine for looking at the front of my eyes was broken so he didnt do that one and im terrified ive got a tumour or a clot cos it fels like somethings going to burst

My GP wasnt very nice tbh and im so scared

I would think though,that given your symptoms,it sounds like eye strain and tiredness.I think an optician would be better than the Dr on this occasion,but only to put your mind at rest

Hunny x

13-05-07, 20:39

I sometimes get aching eyes when the muscles at the base of my skull/top of my neck are really tense.

Just a few days ago I noticed that my pupils are different sizes (which was not the case before that). I freaked out and have been to the optician, doctor and then out of hours doctor. *sigh*. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you this is that I couldn't make up my mind which eye was abnormal. And the "funny" thing is, that at first I though it was the larger eye, and then it started aching. Doing some research on the web I then decided it was the smaller eye that was the problem, and then started getting shooting pains in it. Doc then decided it was the larger eye and the pain moved back to that one!!

So, just suggesting that perhaps you had some tension in muscles somewhere that started it, but now you're aware of it your anxiety is perpetuating it....

Hope you're all feeling better soon!


31-12-08, 12:48
Wow.....i've never bothered looking up to see if my symptoms were common, but from what everyone is saying here i can totally agree. I've been to the doctors who have found nothing, the opticians, who have found nothing (except i needed glasses for driving about a year and a half ago) and my eyes still ache. In fact, they ache as i'm writing this.

My symptoms involve an ache behind the eyeballs (as if there's pressure built up behind them and pushing them out - it's mild, but enough to annoy me consistently), dark patches under my eyes, even though i get fairly decent sleep and I also sometimes experience trouble focusing. I don't really get headaches or that kinda of pain.

I definitely agree that if you take some time away from the computer the eye pain,etc massively reduces. I've had this pain on and off for over a year and a half now. I came on all of a sudden and has been intermitant ever since. However, i went away to Canada travelling for a month and had barely any stress or computer use and my eyes and even my eyesight improved ten-fold. I felt so much better. Since then my eyes has got progressively worse again. It's so frustrating as there's no set time or date that it comes and goes. I'm sure i have sinus problems, so i think this is probably part of the pressure. But nobody seems to have answers. I think i also experience dry eyes, which doesn't help.

Be good to hear if any of your symptoms got better.


31-12-08, 20:12

One of the most common reasons for sore eyes or eye strain etc. is the overuse of DSE (Display Screen Equipment). It is recommended that you should not really sit in front of a PC for more than an hour at a time. Any longer and it tends to strain the eyes, tense the muscles and can bring on headaches. Basically nothing serious, just uncomfortable. Try to interupt PC sessions with a 5 minute break every hour or so and it makes all the difference in the world.

14-01-09, 17:30
Is this thread still live ??
I have been bothered with behind the eye ache for several years now , sometimes the right eye , ocassionally the left and nearly always intermittent .

I regard it as migraine and mostly everything i have tried tablet-wise does not work . I was out jogging (3 miles)and pushed myself a bit too much on a frosty day and sprung a leak in the carotid artery which 're canalized' and a legacy of which seems to be the eye ache .The doctor wasn't much help since it coincided with me turning 50 and needing reading glasses for Pc screen , my job puts me in front of a screen for up to 12 hrs a day .The doctor thought it was eye strain (i dont bother mentioning it to him nowadays) .
I did have an eye test some time ago ..need reading glasses , ok otherwise .

Sometimes i get it without having used a Pc and it can last for 5 days , but is rarely constant .I wake up in the night and it is still painful .
I have slightly high blood pressure and am on tabs for that .
Sometimes Migraleive works, sometimes not .
I am not diabetic .

My ache seems to be pulse related , like a throb and a little pain shoots thru the optic nerve as tho it is being tugged .

Recently i have discovered that if i am working outside and breathing well , it goes away and i have noticed that when i do get a 'tug' it is often indoors and when i have breathed shallowly .

I am vegetarian and dont drink or smoke , by the way .:noangel:

My blue eyes are also light sensitive and the sun hurts them , even when reflected off a light pavement , it has always been that way .

Any sensible ideas welcomed , but i won't be changing my footall team :yahoo:

28-04-09, 03:51
Scared still... How long can this last?? http://bbs.stresscenter.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_frown.gif Anyone ever had this go away?

I get blurry vision and head numbness in my forehead, and sides of my head/neck. Floaters in both eyes, blurry Goofy Eye in right eye off and on. I wake up with it. (It "seems" to be getting a little better, as it is not as constant, especially if I stay really busy.) Pain in the eye balls, and above them. Went to eye dr, all is well, no bad pressures or anything. Went to dr., and I have sinusitis. But anti-biotics didn't kick it.. sinus are sore and dry, but plugged up, if that makes sense. I will even get spots of blood in the Kleenex once in a while. Freaked me out, but my wife thinks that it is because my sinus are so dry, and I am taking lots of aspirin and ibuprofen, fish oil, and maybe that my blood is thin. The Dr. looked up my nose for about 3 seconds and I got the "oh yea, you have a sinus infection". I have had it now for about 8 weeks. I am finishing up a second round of anti-biotics, with again no real improvement. The sinus blood has stopped, but the eye aches still go on, and have actually moved down into my left cheek area and the center of my forehead, just above the eyes, and temples. Eyes hurt if I rub them or massage them.

Nothing seems to help it too much, but the saline flushing of them and sometimes Tylenol. You mix that with anxiety, tension headaches, tight and stiff neck muscles, clenching teeth all the time, and you have a recipe for some dry sore, blurry eyes. I also take Wellbutrin and Ativan, which cause dry eye too. And I look at dual monitors all day long at work.

Dr. suggested lubricating eye drops, like artificial tears. Not like Visine but the lubricating kind. They don't clear my eyes up fast or anything, but they do make them a little less sore.

I have been having eye issues for about 2 months now, maybe even a little more. It makes me anxious, because you can't really get past it, as you look through your eyes constantly. So it seems like it is always there!

But I found that if I can get busy, and not think about it, I will not notice it, until I think about it. Then it comes zipping back? Does that tell me that it is probably all in my head..??? http://bbs.stresscenter.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

(little joke there http://bbs.stresscenter.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif )

28-04-09, 23:56
could be sinus stuff...that always makes my eyes and forehead hurt so bad :( Hope ur feeling better soon.

19-06-09, 17:47
I was just shown the other day how bad I grind my teeth at night.. I never knew.. but enough to really wear my teeth down. Dentist found it, and showed it to me in a mirror how my teeth fit together perfectly.. I have ground them off like puzzle pieces. I could not believe that I never knew all these years. I think the medication changes spurred it on even worse now, and that is how I (she) found it.

My left temple hurts most of the time, in all the little spots that you can feel pull tight when you bite down on your teeth. Pulls them tight, and you can feel all the little sore spots that add up to being really irritated. Sore left eye still, above the eye, and all around the temples. Some days, little or nothing, other days, really sore. Ibuprofen helps the most, but now I am taking it too much. Sometimes, my eye gets a little blurry. Like a floater in the way or something.

Anyone else in here know how to relieve temple pain? Eye Pain?