View Full Version : Pain between left shoulder blade and spine? Worried

18-05-17, 23:21
I'm a 23 year old male. I used to be a heavy smoker for 3 years before I quit 8 months ago. I lift and workout 5-6 times a week and eat very healthy. For the past month and a half I have been having pain on left side of mid to upper back. It first started as pain opposite of stomach or the bottom left part of back of ribs. I now have more pain in between my left shoulder blade and spine. It somitrs feels like it radiates pain down towards the lower left back of ribs. Last I also have been having a weird frog in throat sensation that came out of no where about a week ago and it seems to pain more discomforting in left side of throat. I'm very worried this is cancer or something bad. Should I be concerned and head to my doctor asap?

Other than those pains I have no other accompanying symptoms except indigestion and acid. I have had no night sweats, fatigue, weight loss, fever or other pains.

18-05-17, 23:24
Hi Ryan,

I would head to the doctor, purely as it is the common sense thing to do. I would say it is most likely to do with a nerve, or strain. Though I am no doctor, so go see one and let me know how it goes!

18-05-17, 23:31
The weird thing is, is that I don't have any pain when I go to the gym and lift back, shoulders, or chest. Ive been to doctor so much I think he's gunna think I'm crazy again hahaha. I don't want to go and embarrass myself but I also have bad anxiety

18-05-17, 23:36
Hey man, your health is everything. You have a legitimate question, go ask him. I know I do and if I seem crazy so be it. However I plan to be around for a long time, so I dont mins what he thinks? Nor should you

19-05-17, 11:51
Might seem silly to ask, but how are your chairs? My desk chair at home is terrible and I pay dearly when I sit on it to do work or browse the web or whatever. I feel pain mostly and most painfully between my shoulder blade and spine. Poor lumbar makes things uncomfortable and even painful for your back. Avoid hunching or leaning to the side. If you want to be sure, maybe to speak with your doctor. But it sounds to me like you'll be fine, especially because you lack symptoms that seem to indicate you being ill.

19-05-17, 12:54
Hey Ryan,

I am not a doctor, so I always suggest taking what I say with a grain of salt. Seeing a doctor is always the best option! However, I have some education and experience in your issue, given it's muscular in nature.

I've had some tension/pain in the area that you speak of. To give you a precise idea, my problems laid between the shoulder blade and the spine. The muscle there is the Traps (mid and lower). If you look deeper, there are the Rhomdoids (Major and Minor) underneath that, and that is where your issues may lay.

I would suggest to grab a lacrosse ball, lay it on the ground and lay on top of it, with the ball laying in that region. Roll back and forth as best as you can on it. If you feel a tense spot like a knot, remain on that spot for 20-30 seconds while breathing properly.

I wrote a post about foam rolling which you may want to try as well. It's more of a broad sweep compared to the lacrosse ball, but I don't think it'd hurt to foam roll the region that is bothering you.

The blog URL is www.anxietypress.com . Use the search bar ("foam roller") to find the post (I can't direct link from work, sadly).

24-05-17, 04:05
Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I did take 3 days off from working out and sat in a hottub and sauna for 2 of the days. Also rolled out on a foam roller. Still haven't gone to doctor. And my left shoulder blade and the back lower left part of ribs still haven't improved. If I press on one specific spot between shoulder blade and spine I have a very sharp pain and also when I press on a spot between the bottom left back of ribs and spine. I'm worried this is cancer or something sinister. Is it now time to go see doctor? Last I've had a full blood count, pancreas, liver and urnine test about a month and 2 weeks ago and everything came back fine.

25-05-17, 09:10

I am experiencing the same thing. When I take a deep breath is its a niggling pain in my upper left shoulder blade and back. I went for a sports massage as I do suffer from tight muscles due to poor posture and I play a lot of golf. The massage didn't really help and so I wen to an Osteopath on Saturday and it has helped slightly but still niggling. My doctor sounded my lungs and said everything sounded fine but that he though it might be musculoskeletal. Looking for advice as to what I should do next?


25-05-17, 09:52

I am experiencing the same thing. When I take a deep breath is its a niggling pain in my upper left shoulder blade and back. Snoozy24

I have EXACTLY the same thing it is either right or left it swaps positions!
I have had a niggling cough for about 5 months now too, scary but my chest xray in March was clear and my lung function tests, I am currently being treated for silent reflux for the next 6 weeks and a weight loss programme...I hope you get answers (please share if you do) :)