View Full Version : Beta Blockers- Propanolol

05-05-07, 11:12
anyone have any experience of using these?! the doctor prescribed me them yesterday to use for at least the remainder of my exams. dosage is 40mg 4x a day. just wondered what to expect, i was very against taking them but it has got to the point were i am having anxiety attacks whilst studying for my 2nd yr uni exams so its kind of a last resort

05-05-07, 11:37

If you put the word Propanolol in the search facility at the top of this page you will also find lots of posts regarding this medication:) .


05-05-07, 11:53
Hi nbs1

I have them for situations, I only take as an when needed. They don't work like a SSRI etc all they do is just slow the heart down and bp lowers.

They do take the edge off anxiety I find, and its the only med I am happy enough to take if needed.



05-05-07, 13:18
I take them but only 10mg a day.. I think I may need a stronger dose.

05-05-07, 17:11
hello... ive had some in my draw for years... didnt take them for ages cos i'd taken citalopram and had an allergic reation to them and scared the same would happen if i took them... i finally did take them, one day when i was detemined to go to my mates wedding (knew i couldnt do it without them)... i took one in the day and was ok and took another one early evening but by 9 o'clock i was getting really bad chest pains... that could've been cos i'd been dancing though... but i couldnt really stand up for the rest of the night... haven't taken them since... sorry, this isnt a very positive post... each to there own though, everyone is different... i had a mate who had really bad panic attacks and she started taking them and it really helped her and with the CBT she was getting she managed to recover...

Kate C
05-05-07, 22:11
Hi there,

I was prescribed propanolol at the height of my anxiety and they helped no end. I was given 80mg half inderal modified release to take twice a day. They don't stop you worrying but they reduce the distressing physical effects of anxiety. I would highly recommend them!

Good luck with the exams


Kate :flowers:

07-05-07, 13:13
I have been taking Propanolol for a number of years and have always found it to be a really helpful medication. It certainly slows your rapid heart beat down and bp. I have not had any side effects:yesyes:

07-05-07, 14:31
thanks for all the advice guys. been taking it over the w/e and have been feeling slightly better. been taking it at 40mg 3x daily. having absolutely crzy, very very vivid dreams, which also happened last time. not really affecting my sleep. another qu- you read conflicting reviews about taking propanolol and drinking heavily?! what, if any, are the real dangers?! i ended up slightly drunk yesterday after being at the football and now feel really guilty today. with the end of exams approaching in a week i have a number of big nights out approaching- is it bettr to not take the pills on a drinking day, or should i just not drink much due to the dangers(much much easier said than done...)

07-05-07, 14:49
Hi you shouldn't just leave the tablets off for a day or 2 you'll get no affect that way if you do.
If it's any help i have taken 160mg a day of these tablets for the last 8/9 years and i have a drink. i never go mad but i have had enough to give me an headache the next day !!!! and it's never done me any harm. BUT you best do what you feel easier doing in yourself :)

07-05-07, 14:55
cheers for the advice nanny, nice to no that there isnt a 'under no circumstances exceed 2 units' or any of that rubbish. will just take things as they come

10-05-07, 19:29
Hi there. I have recently been prescribed them by my doctor to help with the palpitations. She says the stop your body being able to react to the adrenaline, so I get into the spiral of symptoms followed by increasing panic. I've only taken them a couple of times at night when the palps were bad and they seemed to help.

She also says you can take when you need them and they are not addictive. You have probably been told to take them regularly during your exams as thats a really stressful time which is longer than just one single event. It will probably help to stabilise you and help you stay in control. Good luck with your exams. :-)