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View Full Version : Variety of scary symptoms (head, muscles)

19-05-17, 11:25

I'm in hope that someone can give me some reassurance regarding my symptoms. I've been dealing with anxiety fot at least 6 years, but my symptoms now make it hard to believe (I know, they always do), that this is only anxiety.

I'm currently on Clonazepam.

My symptoms (started about a month ago, some of them come and go):

- First started a right sided head pain, with a "drunk" feeling in my head. The headaches are much less frequent, but this very bad drunk like feeling is incredibly disturbing and always present to some extent. When its hitting hard, it is noticable that the right side is more affected (my right eyelid feels less open)
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Vision problems.... It's weird to explain and they come with the drunk feeling I guess. My vision is perfect, but I sometimes have difficulty focusing, and for instance when I scroll pages on the web, it looks very blurry, almost makes me nauesous.
- Front side neck pain. 1 occurence when it stayed for a while(right side), mostly felt it when coughing. Since then randomly on both sides for a few minutes / seconds.
- Lump in throat feeling (haven't experienced in the last couple of days)
- Muscle pain/weakness in hands and lower legs (mostly calf), ankle pain in left leg) only when walking/lifting stuff.
- Occasional burning sensation in arms or back
- Short, non-frequent stabbing/pins and needles pains in my fingers
- Complete loss of apetite
- Watery diarrhea for the last couple of days.
- Eye twitching for weeks (after a few days of starting taking Magnesium, it looks to be resolving.)
- Itching in hands / fee
- Overall weird sensations throughout my body
- Teeth sensitivity
- Sensitivity on scalp (maybe just because I'm frequently pulling my hair on the right side when I have the symptom)

These are the ones I can think of right now, but I'm sure more will come tom mind.

So far I've been to an
Internist: physical exam, blood work (including TSH, GGT etc...), ekg came back ok.
Cardiologist: physical exam, ekg: ok.
Neurologist: physical exam: ok.
Abdominal ultrasound: OK


I was scheduled for an MRI but had a horrible panic attack, so they simply sent me home... I've yet to schedule an other one.

Started taking Magnesium, B-vitamin complex

What do you guys think?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post!

19-05-17, 16:07

I'm in hope that someone can give me some reassurance regarding my symptoms. I've been dealing with anxiety fot at least 6 years, but my symptoms now make it hard to believe (I know, they always do), that this is only anxiety.

I'm currently on Clonazepam.

My symptoms (started about a month ago, some of them come and go):

- First started a right sided head pain, with a "drunk" feeling in my head. The headaches are much less frequent, but this very bad drunk like feeling is incredibly disturbing and always present to some extent. When its hitting hard, it is noticable that the right side is more affected (my right eyelid feels less open) Many people get tension in the head. I had tension on my temples for the longest time. I am unsure of the "drunk" feeling, honestly. But possibly nerves.
- Difficulty concentrating. Common among anxiety sufferers.
- Vision problems.... It's weird to explain and they come with the drunk feeling I guess. My vision is perfect, but I sometimes have difficulty focusing, and for instance when I scroll pages on the web, it looks very blurry, almost makes me nauesous. I've had this in the past as well, most notably when playing driving games. It made me slightly dizzy. I've heard of other people having some vision issues due to anxiety. Not necessarily that their vision is bad and unclear, but a lack of being able to focus on objects and dizziness and looking at something moving rather fast.
- Front side neck pain. 1 occurence when it stayed for a while(right side), mostly felt it when coughing. Since then randomly on both sides for a few minutes / seconds. Muscle tension. I get it rarely, but I got it yesterday when I turned my head weird and coughed or something. It was on the left side and I could feel it in my jaw and my ear.
- Lump in throat feeling (haven't experienced in the last couple of days) Common among anxiety sufferers. It's called Globus Hystericus.
- Muscle pain/weakness in hands and lower legs (mostly calf), ankle pain in left leg) only when walking/lifting stuff. Common among anxiety sufferers. You may also have some muscle tightness or imbalances that can be looked into.
- Occasional burning sensation in arms or back Could be nerves.
- Short, non-frequent stabbing/pins and needles pains in my fingers Nerves? I've gotten this when laying down and I am on my phone before.
- Complete loss of apetite Common among anxiety and depression sufferers. I had horrendous gastrointestinal issues that made me not want to eat when my anxiety was at its worst.
- Watery diarrhea for the last couple of days. Anxiety affects the gastrointestinal tract, so it could be linked to that. Or you ate something that isn't agreeing with you.
- Eye twitching for weeks (after a few days of starting taking Magnesium, it looks to be resolving.) I've had this when fatigued. It's usually my right eyelid. My doctor has said that such sensations can be fatigue, dehydration or a lack of Magnesium.
- Itching in hands / fee Now sure. Allergic to something?
- Overall weird sensations throughout my body Anxiety manifests in weird ways that can affect the body as a whole at times.
- Teeth sensitivity Haven't heard of this one, personally. Have you seen a dentist recently?
- Sensitivity on scalp (maybe just because I'm frequently pulling my hair on the right side when I have the symptom) Probably due to muscle tightness and you pulling on your hair (which you should cease)

These are the ones I can think of right now, but I'm sure more will come tom mind.

So far I've been to an
Internist: physical exam, blood work (including TSH, GGT etc...), ekg came back ok.
Cardiologist: physical exam, ekg: ok.
Neurologist: physical exam: ok.
Abdominal ultrasound: OK


I was scheduled for an MRI but had a horrible panic attack, so they simply sent me home... I've yet to schedule an other one.

Started taking Magnesium, B-vitamin complex

What do you guys think?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post!

Check the bolded words in the quote of your post. Keep in mind, I am not a doctor, just a fellow sufferer who has gone through a lot of testing.

You're on a benzo, which is usually short term or "as needed" medication. Anxiety should generally be treated with antidepressants like Prozac, Effexor, Celexa, etc. Long term benzo use can lead to a addictive mindset and make it very, very hard to come off of. My Mom is coming off of Xanax after years of use. After months she is still weaning off! I'd suggest seeing another Psychiatrist for another opinion.

As for the MRI, take some Klonopin and just get it done. I did it with anxiety without the assistance of medication. It isn't fun, but I just kept my eyes closed. You can see your feet out the bottom of the machine and they have a microphone and are in constant contact with you. They also have open MRI machines out there now, too.

As for your symptoms as a whole, anxiety manifests in so many different ways, which is why so many people get even more anxious. One symptom may go away and another one or two may prop up, causing a compounding effect of anxiety. Just remember that you've been through a lot of testing as it is.

I always suggest the book Hope and Health for your Nerves by Claire Weeks to fellow anxiety sufferers. On Amazon it is around $10, I believe. It helped me a lot at the peak of my anxiety; I didn't even finish the entire book!

I also always suggest exercise, proper diet and supplementation to fellow anxiety sufferers. I write a blog called The Anxiety Press (www.anxietypress.com) that is about fitness and is geared towards people with anxiety. I've been there, so I know how you and others here feel.

19-05-17, 19:30
Thank you for taking the time to read and reply!

By drunk feeling I mean... hard to explain... It's like I had a beer or two... no balance issues, just feeling "woozy"?! Very distracting... Hard to explain, I guess the fact that English is not my first language doesn't help :)

Also noticed bad short term memory issues, forget where I put things, sometimes I even have to think about what I'm looking for in the first place when I open the fridge for instance. Although I've also noticed that I've been thinking about my woozy head the whole time, so maybe that's what distracts me.

I will check out the book and your blog, thank you again for taking the time!

20-05-17, 11:03
I'm having alot of the same symptoms as you atm. Definitely the head pain, loss of appetite, strange bodily sensations, eye twitching, dental pain and on and on... Basically I've been a nervous wreck for a couple of months now and I imagine my nervous system has join short circuited itself. It's not hard to believe it's "just" anxiety as every sensation you have comes from the nervous system and when it's fried you're going to be feeling all kinds of crazy stuff. My problem is I don't feel like I can reboot without some hard drugs right now.

20-06-18, 16:55

I came here looking for eye symptoms - this is my second time on Prozac and I'm only on 10mg but I have had a lot of blurred vision. It only occurred to me very late on that it is probably a side effect - plus, as you say, anxiety itself can cause it.

I's just second the great reply - a lot of those symptoms are common to a lot of us!I regard anxiety as like a big wave which I surf as best I can (much as I used to treat PMS, actually!)

We're here! x