View Full Version : 2 week update on my lymph nodes

19-05-17, 16:17
So 2 weeks ago I decided to go 2 weeks without touching my lymph nodes.

Well during this time I managed to keep my hands off 98% of he time. I touched them gently maybe 3 or 4 times I did not rub them.

Not much changed with the lymph nodes, except they seem a little less palpable but the same size. What really changed was my anxiety, my anxiety decreased a huge amount, although the thought of my lymph nodes still lingers on my mind, the anxiety is nothing like it was, I'm not even considering making another appointment with my doctor which to me is a big plus.

I learned that the more you touch or think about the lymph nodes the more you worry, of course I had a few bad days where I thought about them a lot, but as the days passed I thought of them less and less.

I wanted to make this thread because I know a lot of you on here suffer the same as me. And I want to tell you that the only way to find relief is to leave them alone, keep your hands off at all costs, of course this only applies to people who've talked to their doctors and got the all clear. I recommend requesting a ultrasound and complete blood count because this can show your doctor if anything looks abnormal or suspicious. But once you get the all clear, leave them alone for a while trust me it helps a lot.

Well today's my birthday so I am going to enjoy today, I hope everyone else is having a good day as well.

Remember keep yours hands off :)

19-05-17, 16:40
Happy Birthday! I'm so glad this experience helped you!

20-05-17, 07:48
Isn't that what people here have been saying to you for weeks? Maybe try acknowledging that they were all right.

Happy birthday

20-05-17, 16:01
Several people did say to keep my hands off, I was caught up in the anxiety, I was pinching my nodes and swearing that they were 3+ cm but poking them felt the same as when the doctor told me they are 1.1 cm, so if they grown to 3 cm I'd definitely notice the big difference, but that was the anxiety feeding my mind.

I want to thank everyone, you're awesome people, although I still have anxiety, I can rest better at night now.

I will probably see a therapist anyway just so I don't fall back into deep anxiety and depression, because I know a lot of people do.

And thanks for the happy birthdays guys it was a good one.

22-05-17, 00:55
Glad your feeling better about them... not touching them has helped me too. Hope you had a lovely birthday