View Full Version : Lymph node, would appreciate some guidance!

19-05-17, 19:49
Hi Guys,

So a brief history. I'm a 21 year old male, smoker (giving up after exams), not overweight. I had a UTI about two weeks ago, cleared up after some antibiotics. I am very tired at the moment, I'm putting it mainly down to exam stress and 8 hours of revision a day. This morning when I went to the loo I noticed I have a hard-ish lump to the left of my pubus area... tender to touch and doesn't feel like it's moving. I did start getting cold symptoms yesterday (sneezing etc) but put it down to hay-fever.
I suffer from health anxiety and I'm getting into a right state worrying that this could be lymphoma :unsure: Any guidance would be appreciated!

Thank you all xx

19-05-17, 19:57
I'd jump off the lymphoma train before it gets going. That journey gets you lost in uncharted anxiety territory ;) Everything you said points to a reactive node due to your previous infection and/or possible viral infection (cold). Don't poke and prod and I'm quite sure it will resolve.

Positive thoughts

20-05-17, 18:01
What concerns me is that I thought a reactive lymph node due to a cold would inflame my neck/jaw nodes?
The UTI feels like it has disappeared, but I still see no reason for a tender lymph node... I'm freaking out so much and I don't know what to do :weep:

22-05-17, 00:53
Don't touch the bump. Did you finish your course of antibiotics? It's probably not even a node.. could just be an infected hair follicle.

22-05-17, 05:25
I'm not familiar with the terms you used, but as for tender nodes I'm guessing in your groin area since you did mention a uti, most likely just a reactive node, and don't freak out if the node doesn't go away, because often nodes never return to the original size after infection.

I have palpable nodes in my neck, and just now found a tender one under my jaw, but I've had tender ones under my jaw before so I'm not really worried about that one, but I completely understand your worries, but please try not going down that path, it's a long dark road and it's hard to get over it.

Stop touching it for awhile give it time to recover, check it again in a week or so.

22-05-17, 13:59
Yes, as Fishmanpa said, jump off the lymphoma train asap. Once you get on, it's extremely difficult to get off.

Very, very, very likely to be related to the UTI. Don't touch and leave it, it should go or dimish in size without you even noticing. It's soft and sounds harmless (I'm not a doc, just an anxiety sufferer). Leave it be, don't worry. If it's there in 6 weeks and looks like it's growing even larger, or just seems abnormal. Go get it checked out, for now, don't worry yourself.

Also I wouldn't worry about it not being moveable, movibility differs according to what body part it is. Tender lumps are usually not things you should worry about.