View Full Version : Burning Spot on Scalp - Allergies?

20-05-17, 01:59
For the past week, I have had a burning spot on the top of my head. It comes and goes (but today it has lasted a couple of hours), and it sorta feels like a weight pushing down/burning spot with some tingling here and there. It is definitely superficial and seems to be coming from the skin. I've never experienced this symptom before.

I do suffer from allergies this time of year (especially over the last 3 weeks), so could this be coming from allergies? My symptoms from allergies are usually mild and include: dizziness when moving head back and forth, nausea, ear fullness, pressure in the head and around the eyes, headaches around the ears, congestion, itchy scalp, and morning sore throats with a lot of drainage.

Should I go see a doctor, or give it time? I also think of the worst, so of course, I am concerned that it could be something neurological like MS or a brain tumor. I am 34 male and healthy. Thank you for your thoughts.

20-05-17, 05:41
It does not sound neurological to me at all. I would say allergies. We aren't supposed to give medical advice in here, so I can't really advise. Personally, I would see if any allergy relief methods help clear it up.
Sounds like allergies to me

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