View Full Version : How did you deal with panic attacks and anxiety on your wedding day?

20-05-17, 10:18
Hey guys, I am getting married in just over 7 weeks and I know its natural for everyone to feel a bit of nerves about their wedding day but to those like ourselves who already have anxiety issues, it can be even more tough.

I am just looking for tips and advice on what everyone else did on their day to keep their nerves at bay. Did you actually feel calm on the day? Its not the wedding itself or the marriage that worries me, its little things about the wedding day such as talking in front of everyone. I can talk in front of lots of people if I can make up what I say but having to say 'official' things or things off a sheet of paper - I stumble up my words and my stutter comes back, I am worried that gatecrashing guests may show up, worried people wont have a good time, even worried I might even die before it - typical anxiety disorder thoughts :weep:

20-05-17, 13:53
I did not have panic attacks when I got married. just went through the flow.
I was calm very happy to be moving into our own house with my husband.
We had no fuss. Registry Office, Had a reception do in the evening.
Nearly all the guests were drunk at the end of the night. No Honeymoon.
Back to work on the Monday.
Saturday April 2nd 1966. Happy Days. Good Luck Ginger Fish and don't worry :hugs:x

21-05-17, 03:45
I am young so marriage isn't on my mind. I am 20. I may not be qualified to give you advice since I'm still quite young. But I think it would help to try meditation (I need to follow my own advice), hang out with friends, talk to a counselor or therapist, try breathing exercises, or even watch calming youtube videos about meditation (since you have an internet connection). I find that watching youtube videos helps with my anxiety a little. Maybe calling a suicide hotline can help. Try calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Those are a few tips that I can think of.

I hope this helps.

22-05-17, 22:06
I think the best thing for you would be trying to replace your feelings of anxiety with excitement. Whenever you feel anxiety coming, try to refer to it as a sign of excitement eg. when you can feel your heart racing or your breathing rate increases. It works for me when I'm dealing with very important and emotional situations.
Take care!

23-05-17, 15:25
second, I guess it's different for everyone but on my wedding day I was ok, my family said I was as cool as a cucumber waiting to be picked up, we didn't get married til 4pm so spent the morning decorating the Church and leisurely getting ready. I think that because I'd experienced such anxiety before in many different situations it was like an ordinary wave of anxiety I could tell myself 'I've had these feelings so many times before'
Hope you have an amazing day!