View Full Version : Vagus Nerve Disorder?

20-05-17, 10:53
Hey guys, I'm suffering from the following symptoms at the moment:

Dizziness and head pressure after eating
Constant burping
Esophagul spams
Facial tension
Palpitations round the clock, much worse after eating and laying down
Slowed heart rate
Ear ringing
Inability to sleep
Feeling of not breathing deep enough

The one thing that seems to link all these is a misbehaving vagus nerve and anxiety. Can stress alone cause a vagus nerve disorder or is it likely the anxiety is making these already present symptoms unbearable? I'm seeing a neurologist in 10 days to hopefully get some answers but at the moment ever hour is a struggle :weep::weep:

18-05-18, 02:48
Hey I'm sorry no one replied to you on this !

I am going through the exact same thing !

Especially the no sleep as I am having constant night panic.

I hope you found out what was causing it and managed to recover !

All the best

Lucy x

18-05-18, 03:54
I have a disease caused by damage to the vagus nerve (idiopathic gastroparesis) which has different symptoms rhan you listed.I don't think stress can damage your vagus nerve

Oops this is a year old.