View Full Version : Extremely random words/thoughts? Is this anxiety?

20-05-17, 11:51
Since a bit over a week now, and way worse when I'm tired/at night, I have a very weird symptom and it is hard to describe.
It's like my own thoughts are a bit uncontrollable and just racing out of my control.
You probably know the "voice" that isn't really a voice which we very subconsciously and kind of sub-vocal have when we're reading and sometimes when we're thinking.
Well I have, when I'm by myself and relaxed (such as laying in bed being on the interent) very random words "popping" into my head all the time. I'm not actively thinking about these words and it's not voluntary, it just kind of happens.
I wouldn't say I hear voices but it kind of is, like my own inner thought voice being louder than it should and really really random.

I'm 21 years old (typical schizophrenia age I think), and a student currently taking summer courses, so I thought it could be stress but I am not even stressed. I'm a bit sleep deprived though, but I am so often and never got these random thought words before, only since the last two weeks.
My biggest fear is developing schizophrenia, I would actually rather die.
I don't know if I have anxiety, but I'm sure I have it a bit.

What do random words popping into my head mean? Can this simply be anxiety or kind of being hypochondric about it (as opposed to schizophrenia!) and therefore being hyper aware of very random thought processing? Does anyone of you experience this?

I hope someone can answer me.

Thank you

20-05-17, 13:34
Since a bit over a week now, and way worse when I'm tired/at night, I have a very weird symptom and it is hard to describe.
It's like my own thoughts are a bit uncontrollable and just racing out of my control.
You probably know the "voice" that isn't really a voice which we very subconsciously and kind of sub-vocal have when we're reading and sometimes when we're thinking.
Well I have, when I'm by myself and relaxed (such as laying in bed being on the interent) very random words "popping" into my head all the time. I'm not actively thinking about these words and it's not voluntary, it just kind of happens.
I wouldn't say I hear voices but it kind of is, like my own inner thought voice being louder than it should and really really random.

I'm 21 years old (typical schizophrenia age I think), and a student currently taking summer courses, so I thought it could be stress but I am not even stressed. I'm a bit sleep deprived though, but I am so often and never got these random thought words before, only since the last two weeks.
My biggest fear is developing schizophrenia, I would actually rather die.
I don't know if I have anxiety, but I'm sure I have it a bit.

What do random words popping into my head mean? Can this simply be anxiety or kind of being hypochondric about it (as opposed to schizophrenia!) and therefore being hyper aware of very random thought processing? Does anyone of you experience this?

I hope someone can answer me.

Thank you


Words, racing thoughts, obsessive thoughts etc are all a sign of depression and anxiety.. I have them all the time it's horrible... the difference between thoughts and voices is that you wouldn't realise you were hearing voices ... here is an article which helped me realise it was depression and anxiety not schizophrenia (p.s - ironically I am on meds that treat schizophrenia for extreme anxiety - they ain't that bad lol)

"Most dangerous - your mind speed will increase. Your mind will race at what seems like 200 miles per hour. Depressed people often tell their doctor "I can't get my mind to stop!" The minute you wake up in the morning - it will start up. Your brain will then turn against you. It will reach in your memory and pull out every bad memory it can find - abuse as a child, failed relationships, etc. - anything to make you feel bad and especially guilty. You will be tortured by your own thoughts.

As your mind speed picks up, the "garbage truck" will arrive. While the brain is already torturing you with the past, it will create/invent new ideas/thoughts to torture you. In every case of depression, if the depression stays long enough, you will receive the same "garbage" thoughts from your mind."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-05-17, 13:57
They are called Mind Pops and are a newer area of research. The mind is busier than they realised and these thoughts are often triggered by subtle things e.g. a smell, a word you read, etc. .

In Schizophrenia Mind Pops tend to lead into periods of delusion or other episodes. But you have to remember that we all have these and it's the true symptoms of Schizophrenia that we lack. This might be triggering for you to read but I have to include this because if you read about Mind Pops you will see them discussing this too.

The rest is a Benjammin69 says, we experience racing thoughts. I've beaten my intrusive thoughts but I do still notice them when before my anxiety they were in the background. Anxiety makes you notice things more, therefore it will be with these.

23-05-17, 16:47
Had severe anxiety a few years ago. Would get episodes of racing thoughts/images. Thought they were seizures as I'd get intense deja vu too.

Turns out, its anxiety. Or "psychogenic seizrues" aka, not epilepsy. Just stress.

23-05-17, 21:30
I've been having exactly this since Sunday night. Been really struggling with it, thinking all sorts of things, what if it's schizophrenia or something else. Took me ages to fall asleep last night as it was worse when I was trying to fall asleep. Really hope it passes for you soon, can definitely empathise!

07-06-17, 13:55
I actually have never read about it, but i had exactly this when i was about 25 after surgery. It lasted a few years and got better with meditation (it still comes and goes, but mostly gone).

Its like someones switching radio frequencys, random words / partly sentences popping in my mind. Thats about it and i learned to ignore it. Otherwise im extremely lucid and very aware of my behavior, no other symptoms regarding shizophrenia and im 39 now.

I Don't Get it!
03-08-17, 21:46
I get this a lot. Sometimes it's random thoughts or words, more often it's one line from a song (or sometimes not even a whole line, just a couple of words) and it repeats over and over, like a continuous loop. Or a part of an advertising jingle. I find it infuriating and tiring, but it's just anxiety.

I feel like my mind won't shut up, but it's definitely my own mind.

With schizophrenia it's more like the voices are from outside your own head. Or you think you're receiving hidden messages from radio or tv broadcasts - very different to the internal chatter of Anxiety.

07-03-21, 08:00
this is exactly what happens to me and im having the same problem! im super anxious ab the whole schizophrenia thing....... wondering if ur ok now? did u find out if its a normal thing or not?

07-03-21, 08:02
this is exactly what happens to me too! super anxious! ru ok now??? did u find out
if it was normal or not???

07-03-21, 08:05
are u ok now?? did u find out if it was normal
or not?? dealing with the same thing right now!

07-03-21, 12:28
The OP posted this in 2017 and hasn't been back on since :shrug: If this is a concern, perhaps starting your own thread may illicit some replies.

Positive thoughts