View Full Version : Not cured but better

20-05-17, 15:01
Hi, I am male, 66. I have visited this site before and found it very reassuring. I have been depressed and anxious for a number of years, worse as I went through a divorce and had problems with my 3 young children but better in the last 9 months. I want to share my experience in the hope that it will help others.

Apart from depression, which might have been serious if I did not have to care for my children, I have had various physical symptoms, including poor sleep, palpitations, stomach pains, night sweats and headaches. I have taken different antidepressants, and suffered many side effects. I currently take 20mg of propanolol for the palpitations.

My depression is considerably lower as a result, I believe, of improved vitamin D levels. I read that low levels can cause depression and that most people in the UK have low levels, particularly in winter months. Within days of sitting, shirtless, in the sun for 15 minutes in the middle of each day last summer, I felt much better and have maintained this, taking supplements through the winter. Worth a try if your doctor agrees.

I shall post separately under palpitations, how I have learnt to control them.

20-05-17, 15:07
Hiya Jonp and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-05-17, 15:10
Hi & welcome to the site

I am getting tested next week to check my Vitamin D as i believe i am very low because i have not been out in the sun much for the past six months. I also get palpitations so would love to know how you can control them and what supplements have helped, i am currently taking b-50 complex. Omega 3. Good luck in getting rid of your anxiety/depression.

21-05-17, 15:59
Hi Venusbluejeans, I have just posted under Palpitations "Works for me".

I just take a cheap multi-vitamin which contains Vitamin D. I think the vitamin D is recommended for everyone in UK as we cannot get enough from sunshine in the winter.

Apparently, trials of vitamin D for people with depression have been done and are not conclusive so it is not for everyone. Getting out in the sunshine is probably good for depression anyway instead of sitting inside feeling sorry for oneself.

Good luck.