View Full Version : Long Time Lurker

20-05-17, 23:18
Hi all!

I have been lurking this website for years, and finally have become a member. I have had anxiety for most of my life and its been pretty regular for the last 8 years. My biggest concern is my health. Throughout the years, I have believed I have had MS, ALS, MD, Mysteria Gravis (spelled wrong), dystonia, fibro, Melanoma, Basil Cell Carcinoma, leukemia, lung cancer, Mineare's Disease (spelled wrong), colon/rectal cancer, TMJ, thyroid cancer, bone cancer, multiple stds, acoustic neuroma, brain tumor, sciatica, stomach cancer, appendicitis, esophageal cancer, allergies, lyme disease, and the list goes on. I have had multiple tests done including a CT scan, MRI, numerous blood tests, EKG, 2 chest xrays, neurological exam, etc. So far no major diagnosis. My current symptoms (since November) periodic dizziness, tinnitus (for 8yrs), teeth grinding, muscle tension in face, neck and upper back, shoulder, hips and lower back, and esophageal spasms (i.e from reflux but now is rarely happens at all), weakness around knees, legs and arms. Any ideas or comments are welcome. Thank you.

20-05-17, 23:31
Hiya bcox1776 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: