View Full Version : Anxiety loves a vacuum

21-05-17, 00:29
Go figure, the day I decide to not drink alcohol is the day my health anxiety comes back with a vengeance. What is it about anxiety, particularly health obsessions, that it always has to have something to obsess over? I make certain decisions to positively benefit my life, get back on my healthy eating plan, get back into the gym, go dry for a month and IMMEDIATELY, that damn anxiety bird is zeroing in on the

Check it. Check again. Check it in a different direction. Try to move it. Check it to see if it's grown. Check its mobility. Check again. Maybe I forgot something, check again.

It's the same thing. The same rush of panic/adrenaline, same feeling of dread, racing thoughts of what if.

Fellow sufferers, WHY does it always circle back on us? It sucks because the time in between when we're not feeling badly, we're not obsessing, we get amnesia so the next time it pops up, those feelings of urgency feel super novel and compelling. It's hard to remember how I pulled myself out of the quicksand before.

Sorry for rambling, just wanted to vent. I'd love to hear thoughts from others.

21-05-17, 01:03
Ugh I know what you mean! My main anxiety trigger is diarrhea. It stems from having C Diff three times four years ago. I've had IBS for as long as I can remember but C Diff has made it much worse! I've started taking Caltrate and it's helping me to have less diarrhea episodes. I stupidly ate a burrito from Taco Bell yesterday and had horrible stomach pains last night and this morning I had D with mucus and it really sent me into a spiral! Every time I see mucus I fear it's some sort of colitis. My stomach is still tight because I can't get the thought of mucus meaning something bad out of my head!! I've even had the most aggressive form of breast cancer four years ago (at 36) as well, but it's the diarrhea that sends me into panic mode! My doctor's all say it's PTSD from C Diff. It sucks!!

21-05-17, 05:01
Does the alcohol have an impact here? For instance, do you use it to mask symptoms of anxiety?

If not, then perhaps it's the good 'ole change & uncertainty" issue raising it's head because you are stopping alcohol? If so, anxiety levels are likely to rise but then you hopefully adjust to the change and they fall.

As an OCDer I've found any increased levels of overall anxiety means more OCD symptoms. I've spoken to many who have the same issue and I've observed it a lot in HAers on here.