View Full Version : What should I do the moment I get a worry thought?

21-05-17, 03:29
Sometimes, I have moments when I start to worry about stuff. The anxiety is not intense. But it can be bothersome. One of my worries is being accused of a crime I didn't do. Another worry is something bad happening to me while I'm sleeping. I tend to worry about things that "could" possibly happen in the future. Sometimes, it prevents me from having joy in the moment. It prevents me from enjoying my life at times.

I understand it doesn't make sense to worry about hypothetical situations but sometimes, I can't control it.

Sometimes, I like to give advice to others who have anxiety but I don't feel like I am qualified because of my own personal problems.

Any advice? Any stories? Can you ease my mind? Any other input?

21-05-17, 04:57
I think you should take your own advice!

This sounds like bad anxiety. I think you are allowing your thoughts to take over your brain. It seems to me that you are overthinking. I think you should take a moment to sit down and sort your thoughts out. Grab a piece of paper and write these thoughts down until you feel like you've written enough of them down. Then, try to pinpoint certain solutions to those problems.

You are allowing our mind to do the worst to you. It is important for you to relax.

I hope this helps.

Positive thoughts

21-05-17, 12:15
This is a perfect candidate for meditation.

Meditation is mostly about allowing thoughts and sensation to be, not to try and change them and not to react to them. It's about gently focusing your mind back to the object of your meditation, which is often your breathing.

Often when people meditate they think they are failing because the thoughts persist, but there's nothing you can do about those thoughts. Meditation teachers often call it 'monkey mind'. Meditation is just about the practice of meditation, and after a while you will find that you stop instantly reacting to or worrying about those thoughts and they will naturally disappear.