View Full Version : Over Analysing.

21-05-17, 08:42
I have accepted an offer for a new job and as parts of this they run checks on your working background and so on, which is very much normal procedure I believe.

Having only ever worked for one company albeit it has gone through a take over.

For some reason my anxiety is clinging on to that I'll fail it, they'll find something, I've filled something wrong out on their questionnaire.

I know it's completely irrational and but I've been up since 4 this morning with that all so familiar knot in the stomach feeling.

I just needed to let it off my chest. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


21-05-17, 09:00
Why are you full of anxiety, have a drink and chill

21-05-17, 09:27
Why are you full of anxiety, have a drink and chill

Ha, if it wasn't half 9 in the morning, I may have.

21-05-17, 18:06
Ha, if it wasn't half 9 in the morning, I may have.
half nine in the morning or 8pm means nothing if you need to chill:wall: