View Full Version : So scared I may have stomach cancer

21-05-17, 09:57
Please help me someone! I'm having a huge meltdown about my recent stomach issues. It started 2 weeks ago following a 5 day course of antibiotics for a UTI. Pain initially under left rib (like inside it). This moved gradually lower and to the other side. I had 4 days constipation which I took a laxative for. I now have burning between my boobs/rib cage, which I guess is acid? And when I do eat it instantly hurts for a few minutes by my left rib. I wake up nauseous and get little hot flushes. My entire back all around my ribs feels tense like the muscles are all in spasm-deep breathing outwards is the only way to relieve them.
I have severe health anxiety, in my mind I've been dying of multiple diseases in the past few years but this one seems SO real. Can anyone give me any reassurance? I have 4 small children on my own and I just cry every time I look at them because I know I'm going to die soon 😭

24-05-17, 01:55

PLEASE see a doctor whenever you can. One of my aunts had very similar symptoms as yours, and it came out she has gastritis; infinitely better than stomach cancer. From your sounds it's possible you have a similar problem with your stomach lining, and although it's most likely not cancer, it can lead to painful ulcers.

You should see a doctor soon, within the next 72 hours if possible, and try to be mindful of what you eat. With many GI issues a temporary bout of lactose intolerance may occur, so also keep mindful of your diet until you get your appointment.

I think seeing the doctor as soon as you can will also put you at ease, because generalized anxiety disorder can also do terrible things to the stomach, and your constant anxiety and stress may be intensifying symptoms.