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View Full Version : Strong constant tingling

21-05-17, 11:05
So health anxiety strikes again.

I have finally moved on from my brain tumour fear - to be perfectly honest it got so terrible I paid for an MRI and since it went away. Obviously my health anxiety and symptoms have still been acting up but they have been managableish for the past week.
However, last night when I was in bed when I moved I suddenly felt really strong "electric" in my left arm that wouldn't go away. I was first semi okay saying I probably just pinched a nerve when I moved, but then I suddenly got it in my left foot and down the knee as well. And it has also happened to me before a few times I would wake up in the night bc of strong numbness in that same arm.. It doesn't feel like normal pins and needles but its more like really strong electric feeling like its coming from the nerve (it probably is tbf. Then lying down I was also twiching more than usually and kept having weird tingling or idk sort of "thight" feeling in other parts of my body as well (but at that point I was already panicked). Now it's been 12 hours and the tingling is still there constantly just sometimes stronger and sometimes less, but constant. I meditated, tried to distract myself but it doesn't go away.

The thing is now this has suddenly awoken newly found anxiety about MS in me, which sounds ridiculous considering I just got an MRI of my brain a week ago, but they did it without contrast and I read that MS can only be seen with contrast. I have sort of mentioned I want MRI with contrast at the time, but the doctors said they will only do it if they find it necessary, which apparently I'm assuming they haven't since they didn't do it. So I guess it's stupid I'm questioning it but I can't help myself. I'm also scared what if its some other nerve related illness that I just don't know about (cause I'm not googling).
Also it's a pretty obvious pattern I've got going on, like everytime I get better I'm doing fine for about 3-5 days until suddenly a new symptom hits me that freaks me out and this time it's the same, so I'm telling myself I'm fine and that it would be too much of a coincidence somethings wrong. But these pins and needles I currently have are different than the ones I've experienced so far like I said it feels like electricity going through my nerves and also it's been constant :((( Does this sound like an anxiety thing?

21-05-17, 11:22
Maianixon. I,ve had anx for over 9yrs and for 7 of them i,ve had what you,ve mentioned. Honestly it's purely just anxiety but also when your low in iron can have that same sensation. Or certain medication like iron tablets.

21-05-17, 12:42
Okay thanks. I mean it would only make sense that it's anxiety... Now the tingling sort of went away but I have random aches sort of likw pinching pains on my hands & fingers...

21-05-17, 22:17
ugh the pins and needles went away but then it came back like now theyre all over my leg and my palms have been burning the whole afternoon i don't understand why this is happening :(

---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:44 ----------

this is literally so annoying im actually completely relaxed (minus weird symptoms), i've had somw drinks, i've been ignorirng physical symptoms and the numbness in mu arm/hand & leg persists just the same.... :(