View Full Version : An Apple A Day...

05-05-07, 19:40
An apple a day..
Will keep the fat away..
Just an apple..
Just one each day..

A glass of water..
Passes the time..
It stops me getting fat..
And the choice is just mine..

I still feel fat tho..
I don't no why..
I cant look in the mirror..
Without beginning to cry..

I thought this would help me..
To stay thin..Not fat..
But it doesn't seem to work..
And the fat seems to lurk..
I just cant win anymore..

I might as well die..
Because i don't wanna cry..
And I'm sick of feeling like this..


05-05-07, 19:58
some of us are tall
some of us are small
be happy who you are
you'll be loved by all.

take care
Dave :flowers: x

Pink Princess
06-05-07, 20:45
kel honey you are not fat, and you dont lose weight by not eating, you gain more. you need a balanced diet to remain healthy with a variety of vitamins so an apple a day isnt going to keep anything away toots. you have done really well lately just keep trying you will get there xxxxxxx lym xxxxxxxxxx