View Full Version : To get a second opinion or not now that is the question

21-05-17, 18:54
I recently presented a skin lesion to my nurse practitioner. It's like a bumpy small patch of skin smaller than a pencil eraser. She said it's of no concern not pigmentation etc. My concern is it could be basal cell, I am anxious around skin cancer at the moment and hope everyday I wake up and this lesion has gone but it hasn't, it's been over four weeks now. Should I fall into the trap of reassurance seeking and get a second opinion or should I trust her? This is so hard x

21-05-17, 19:34
Whereabouts is it?

21-05-17, 19:53
It is on my lower arm. I also burnt really badly when I was 12 but can't remember which arm, I'm 35 now. I'm fair freckly and burn really easily. I'm freaking out a little x

21-05-17, 20:31
Unlikely place for basal cell I think. I had one on the skin in the corner of my eye about 25 years ago. Had it removed no problem :)

21-05-17, 20:41
Thank you. Really trying to be logical and it's not at all angry looking. I'm just trying to not run to the Dr. I know even if it was basal cell they are very easily treatable but the thought of it terrifies me x

21-05-17, 22:42
I was going to say that ultimately, what's said here won't sway your thoughts and anxiety (I saw your reply about going for the 2nd opinion). I'm not one for paid reassurance but I know your history here and I saw that coming ;)

Positive thoughts

21-05-17, 23:32
Basal and Squamous cell cancers are highly treatable and really nothing to worry about. The best thing you can do is be pro active and slap on the sun cream from now on. I had a Melanoma scare last year (it was a benign freckle) so I understand the fear.

I forced myself to stop seeking reassurance and not constantly check my skin every five minutes. Now I'm at the stage where I hardly give it any thought. The positive thing is it made me very sun conscious.

You are perfectly fine :)

22-05-17, 09:05
The positive thing to come out of this recent obsession is most certainly my sun awareness.

Fishmanpa, I am certainly obtaining a history in this obsessive behaviour I just hope I can put it in the past ��