View Full Version : Blood in stool - please help me not freak out

21-05-17, 21:32
Every so often I'll get a little bit of bright red blood on my toilet paper after difficult bowel movement but I never thought anything of it. Today, however, I had what seemed like a normal bowel movement but there was streaks of bright red blood on my stool and on the toilet paper. It also dripped in the toilet! An hour later when I peed, there were a drops blood as well (from the rectum).

I've never experienced this much blood before and freaking out, because I have a family history of colon cancer. I actually have a routine colonoscopy scheduled for June 12 due to my family history and the fact that I just turned 40. Should I call and try to get in sooner? U realize it may be hemmoroids, but I know it could also be something worse. Please help.

21-05-17, 21:52
I don't think it's cancer, but I would call the Dr and see what they think. They might want to get you in sooner. Or they may give you instructions on monitoring symptoms for a few days. That's a reasonable thing to do- to call them.
I would also just monitor to see if it resolves (hemmoroids).

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21-05-17, 21:59
Hi, I've suffered the same for the past ten years and like you each time it freaks me out so for a health anxiety sufferer that is normal even more so for your history. I would recommend discussing with your doctor and seek their opinion re: the test x

22-05-17, 15:38
It sounds like hemorrhoids to me. I get this ALL the time. I would check with your doc, but bright red blood is usually just something benign like hemorrhoids or an anal fissure....the butt bleeds a lot. I once had a doctor tell me unless you are literally pooping just massive amounts of bright red blood it is almost always nothing. I have had blood drip in the toilet, coat my stool, and be on the toilet paper before. I know how SCARY it can be...it is awful, but honestly, I wouldn't worry too much.

22-05-17, 16:07
As above. May be worth mentioning it a doctor if it persists for peace of mind, but sounds like a case of the 'roids to me.

22-05-17, 21:51
Thanks for your replies. Those of you who have had hemmoroids, were they visible or were you able to see them? Just asking because (sorry TMI) I used a mirror and didn't see anything unusual.

22-05-17, 22:04
I agree with Melopony and FreakOutQueen.
To my experience hemmoroids are usually not visible on the outside. That's why all the hemmoroid creams have a special tube you use to put the medication where it's needed. :-)

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23-05-17, 00:13
Roids can be internal or external. The nozzles are for internal but there are treatments for external too.

23-05-17, 15:48
kmm11, I have had 'roids since I was 20 - I'm now 23. One clear sign the bleeding is of benign origin is if it is CLEARLY separate from the stool and from your description, it certainly sounds like it was separate and NOT mixed in.

[WARNING - Graphic description to follow]

I once passed a large stool with a blood streak down the side of it - but it literally looked like it had been 'added' on, like tomato sauce on a hot dog. This is an example of the "clearly separate" description I speak of.

By all means double check with your Doctor, but I'm certain it's nothing worrisome.

23-05-17, 17:18
kmm11, I have had 'roids since I was 20 - I'm now 23. One clear sign the bleeding is of benign origin is if it is CLEARLY separate from the stool and from your description, it certainly sounds like it was separate and NOT mixed in.

[WARNING - Graphic description to follow]

I once passed a large stool with a blood streak down the side of it - but it literally looked like it had been 'added' on, like tomato sauce on a hot dog. This is an example of the "clearly separate" description I speak of.

By all means double check with your Doctor, but I'm certain it's nothing worrisome.

What, no mustard? :winks:


And to add, mine started in my early twenties and at 41 they are still there. I've had blood, mucus, itching, throbbing, seeping, soreness, etc yet it's always just been the roids.

23-05-17, 17:39
OMG Terry I just had to laugh at your photo. If we have health fears, please go see your physician!

23-05-17, 19:23
Haha Terry now I can't get that image out of my head!! Lmao

23-05-17, 20:53
Hi there,

How are you feeling? Were you able to talk to your doctor to hopefully put your mind at ease?

23-05-17, 21:10
Hi there,

How are you feeling? Were you able to talk to your doctor to hopefully put your mind at ease?

Hi there, I called my doctor and she said it sounds like hemorrhoids/a fissure and I could come in sooner for the colonoscopy if I wanted for peace of mind. However, they only have an opening 3 days prior to the date I already have booked so I kept the original date.

I don't feel much better. Today I had a bowel movement and noticed more blood (just a tiny bit) on the toilet paper. Then later on I went to the bathroom to urinate and decided to check, so I gently pressed some toilet paper back there and there is more fresh blood, although not much. So, it seems like it's been continuously bleeding! Do hemorrhoids do this? I think I'd feel much better if it was bleeding immediately after a bowel movement and then stopped. I am so scared that it's a cancerous polyp/tumor :(

24-05-17, 18:38
Hi there, I have had this happen to me before. Once after spin class I went to pee and wiped the back and saw blood. I also had a polyp, which was removed and turned out to be benign. Have you tried switching to a softer toilet paper? Maybe the one you have it too rough. Also, metamucil REALLY helped calm my symptoms. Maybe give that a whirl! Good luck!!!!

25-05-17, 21:48
Today I had a bowel movement and noticed more blood (just a tiny bit) on the toilet paper. Then later on I went to the bathroom to urinate and decided to check, so I gently pressed some toilet paper back there and there is more fresh blood, although not much. So, it seems like it's been continuously bleeding! Do hemorrhoids do this? I think I'd feel much better if it was bleeding immediately after a bowel movement and then stopped.

Yes, I had that with my hemorroids. Did you try to use some hemorroid cream? It takes a few days before it works but maybe it would give you some peace of mind if the bleeding would stop.

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