View Full Version : Severe chest pain

21-05-17, 22:31
Hi All
I don't post much on this forum although I've been along time lurker and sufferer of HA. What's finally prompted me to post is that since yesterday afternoon I've been having terrible chest pains, to the point that I would up in A&E today crying to the staff. I'm 29 and in reasonable shape and I think th doctors were mostly baffled by why I was so upset. Heart attack / chest pain has been a fear of mine for a while since I lost two family friends to sudden heart attacks, and having this ongoing bad pain in my chest is just sending me over the edge. I was checked over in hospital, ECG and general checks (no blood test although I had my bloods checked about a month ago and all fine). I don't really know what the point of this post is other than my boyfriend is tired of hearing about it and I'm exhausted with feeling like this and needed to vent :(
I should add that I've had a chest x ray, 24 hour monitor and ecg before and no issues then either. I'm normally able to calm myself down and get over a panic but because this severe chest pain won't ease I'm just beside myself.
Zigs xx

22-05-17, 09:20
Hello Zigs,

I know exactly how you feel, and I also know that many of the people on this board suffer with the exact same thingfs as you've described. Guess what, we're all on an anxiety/stress related message board for a reason.

I know its almost impossible, but the only way to deal with this is to accept the testing that's been carried out and let go of the worry and the what-if. I know its hard, believe me. I'm still learning how do it and am nowhere near the end yet, but I'll get there someday.

Having the support of others, particularly your boyfriend is important so try and involve him as much as possible. If that's hard, then involve family members if that's possible. Having a support network is vital at times like this.

Your story rings lots of similarity with mine and we'll both get there someday just got to keep going in the tough times and try to believe the testing that's been carried out.