View Full Version : Lady Worries

05-05-07, 20:53
I have been a regular reader and contributer to this site for a long time. I have always suffered badly from health anxiety and my mortal fear is lumps and cancer.

Well now I have a really bad dilemma, I have a cyst in the outer lip of my lady parts. I have had it for a couple of years, I think, I really don't know, I had a baby nearly two years ago and I am almost certain it was there before I had him. I got it into my head last year that it was something much more worse and went to see the nurse who assured me that it was just a simple cyst, but if I didn't believe her then to see the doctor, which I did, 3 times, she told me the same. I have looked on the internet last year and all day today and read about vulval cancer and how lots of people have what they think are cysts and until they are removed how can you be sure!!? It is driving me mad, I am even making myself sore as I am constantly nipping my legs tightly shut which is no fun - the "cyst" has not changed at all, it perhaps changes a bit during the month but certainly has got no bigger, but everything seems to be snowballing now, I have looked again and think that other things in that area don't appear normal but to be honest, I really wouldn't know, can't say that I ever pay that much attention!! I have made another appointment to see the doctor on Tuesday and feel so frantic, I can't eat, I'm shouting at everyone around me, I just hate feeling like this, my life is one constant worry and has been really for as long as I can remember, I just feel so tired of always feeling like this, and to have a real lump that is there I can't get it out of my head - please let me know if anyone has had anything like this, or how to get on with things. The doctor wasn't keen on removing something so small, so I guess I have to get on with it. Not easy though.

Thanks for reading this.

05-05-07, 21:22
oooo sharon bless you, you really dont have anything to worry about hun.

Years ago I had the exact same thing and I too was terrified and got told by the family planning clinic that it wasnt cancer but being the health anxiety sufferer that I am I wouldnt take their opinion. The doctor was telling me that it was usually elderly ladys who got that and even then it was extreamly rare! But no I wouldnt have it, I wanted other opinions :lac: .
Ended up having a scan and they said , we thinks its just a cyst or endeometriosis..well that was 7 years ago :blush: and recently Ive had another and I just ignored that one and it went down after 3 months and guess what only yesturday I got it again:mad: . Think its all part of being a woman.....
we get all the best problems dont we :shrug: .

08-05-07, 15:11
I think these things must be quite common, my mum had one as well. Unpleasant, and when people don't talk about it you don't realise how common it is and so it's easy to assume the worst. I've never had a cyst but I do have a lump down there which I spent about a year worrying myself frantic about before going to see the Doctor. She was quite unsympathetic and disdainful about it really, but at least it was only a lump of fat and not anything nasty. Anyway, you have my sympathies!

10-05-07, 14:27
Thanks for replying - it's good to know there are some people out there with the same worries and that I'm not alone. I have been back to see the doctor, a different one again, who has again said that it is nothing other than a cyst and to forget about it!! Ha Ha who is she trying to kid!!!??? If only I could! I am now getting all the other lovely symtoms that go with the anxious state, I am still convinced that I have something to worry about even though she says not, I am highly sensitised to every ache or pain my body is giving out, and as my friend points out I am just taking notice of everything, but I wasn't aware I could spend so much time focusing on these parts!! I now have a backache, muscular, i'm sure, neck ache and feel so very very tired as I am so busy worrying about everything that is wrong with me!

WhatI wouldn't give to have a day where I could get out of bed and not have a care in the world rather than to spend every single day with feelings of doom and gloom hanging over me and worrying about what hurts and why it hurts, then thing is I can never have something that will get better, it is always terminal with me, and I think about all the time I spend worrying about it and it is seriously beginning to get to me, why can't I just be a normal mum and stop stressing about everything or do I just have to accept that I am going to spend the rest of my life living like this, I hate it! Any ideas for a way of stopping it, other than banging me on the head!!!!

Thanks again