View Full Version : Racing thoughts

22-05-17, 11:29
Hi there I am new to this forum. I just wondered if any of you have experienced wild erratic thought patterns pretty much immediately when you close your eyes to sleep. I seem to get caught it all kinds of weird imagery which is so fast and bizzare and which just wont turn off. It is usally followed by a burst of adrenaline which wakes me after a minute or so, most of the time i also have a song looping in my head. I am not on any meds and it can keep me awake all night. I get a lot of health anxiety. Would appreciate any feedback. Answers etc.
All the best

22-05-17, 11:31
Hi I have racing thoughts from the moment I open my eyes to the moment I close them. Sometimes so bad it causes panic :-( it's a classical symptom of anxiety and depression and will slow down eventually maybe therapy will help it has helped me abit

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22-05-17, 11:37
Thanks so much for the reply. I only ecperience these thoughts when trying to sleep. They are very disconcerting, and are not like dreams but are like movies on the inside of my minds eye. I will look at counselling. Have had them on and off for two years now but lately they are very persistent. Thanks again

22-05-17, 13:35
Whats your diet/exercise like?

Do you drink much alcohol? What about caffeine?

22-05-17, 14:47
Hi there my job is very physical but no cardio excercise. Diet could be better and yes the alchohol intake is bingeing on the weekends. But i am ion n holiday lthe past two weeks so lt has incrrased. Cheers

---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 13:43 ----------

No cardio Excrecise but my job is physical. Diet could be better. And yes I binge drink on weekends and am currently on holiday so it has increased. Thanks

24-05-17, 15:14
I get this, exactly as you describe and only when going to sleep or waking. It seems to happen as the brain relaxes. At first I was so scared by it as it started after I had a breakdown and didn't sleep for days and I thought I had permanently damaged my brain. After speaking to a psychologist she said we cant understand everything that happens in our brains, but that it is nothing to worry about and to think of it as the brain kind of leaking and to try to relax and enjoy it! I had found myself waiting for it to happen every time I was trying to sleep and this made it worse and worse, so once I stopped being so anxious sure enough it has almost stopped. Now it happens really only when I'm overtired.
Try not to be scared or anxious about it.
I also find that playing a sleep talk down meditation helps as it distracts me so I'm not looking for it

24-05-17, 15:30
Yes, it's very common in anxiety.

We have neurotransmitters in the brain that are excitory or the inhibitort. The largest one is excitory. This glutamate gets balanced by our GABA. Then there is also the adrenaline.

Drinking caffeine can make it temporarily worse so it's worth looking at that. And exercise can help burn off the excess adrenaline circulating in the bloodstream which takes time to be metabolised to something else or excreted.